[ 31 ]
Step 16: If adjusting the camera
angle moves the tree above the
horizon like it did here, just do a
quick Free Transform on the texture
layer and scale it up a little so the
horizon is higher than the base of
the tree. Press Enter to commit
the transformation.
Step 17: The horizon is too straight
and doesn’t look natural. To fix that,
we’ll do a simple Liquify distortion.
With the ground texture layer active
in the Layers panel, go under the Filter
menu, and choose Liquify.
Make sure the Forward Warp
tool (W) is active, and in the Prop-
erties panel, set the brush Size to
around 400 and the Density to
around 50. Also turn off Show
Backdrop in the View Options sec-
tion so you just see the texture.
Click-and-drag upward along vari-
ous areas of the horizon to create a
series of small hills. It doesn’t need
much, so don’t overdo it. Click OK
when done.