Photoshop User - USA (2020-10)

(Antfer) #1

[ 37 ]

Step 30: Press Command-J
(PC: Ctrl-J) to make a dupli-
cate of the text layer. Right-
click the duplicate layer and
choose Rasterize Type. Then
Right-click the layer again and
choose Rasterize Layer Style.
This makes the text and layer
style regular pixels.
Go under the Filter menu,
to Blur, and choose Radial Blur.
Set the Blur Method to Zoom
and the amount to 25. Click
on the grid in the Blur Center
and move it up so the center
of the blur is approximately
where the center of the moon
is in the main image. Click OK.
Apply the filter again by
pressing Control-Command-F
(PC: Ctrl-Alt-F). This gives a
quick-and-cool glare coming
from the text.

There’s one final step to finish
the image, and that’s adding
some other trees along the
edge of the horizon. For that,
we’ll create a custom tree brush
similar to the way we created
the bats in the scene. To see
how this is done, click here to
check out a bonus video. n

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