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Step One: Create a new document
(File>New) with a Width and Height of
1080x1080 pixels. Name the document
“Ribbon Road” and c lic k Create. Then
go to View>New Guide Layout, turn on
both Columns and Rows, set their Num-
ber to 3 (make sure the other fields are
empty), and c lick OK to give an easy
“rule-of-thirds” guide
Step Two: Use File>Place Embedded to
place the landscape image that you wish
to use. If you’d like to download the low-
res watermarked version of this image to
follow along, c lick this link, log in with
your Adobe ID, and c lick the Save to
Library button. Drag the image from the
Libraries panel (Window>Libraries) into
the working file.
Resize and position the landscape
image so the sun is just under the upper-
left intersection of the guides. It won’t
fill the top area completely, but that’s
okay for now. Click Enter to commit
the transformation.
Step Three: Press Command-A (PC:
Ctrl-A) to select the entire canvas, and
then press Command-J (PC: Ctrl-J) to
copy the selection to a new layer. Double-
c lick the name of this layer in the Layers
panel, and rename it “Landscape.”
Use the Rectangular Marquee
tool (M) to select the top empty area
plus a small portion of the sky. Go to
Edit>Content Aware Fill to launch the
Content-Aware Fill workspace. The
default settings should be sufficient to
fill the empty space with sky. If not, use
the Sampling Brush tool (B) to add to
or subtract from the sample area (the
green overlay) until the results are to
your liking in the Preview panel. In the
Output Settings in the Content-Aware
Fill panel, set the Output To drop-down
menu to Current Layer, and c lick OK
at the bottom right.
©Adobe Stock/_Danoz