Photoshop User - USA (2020-10)

(Antfer) #1
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Step Seven: Hide the Background
layer by c licking its Eye icon in the
Layers panel, and then c lick the small
checkerboard icon to the right of the
word “Lock” to lock the transparency
of the Ribbon layer. Use the Spot Heal-
ing Brush tool (J) to paint out the visible
fence posts or grassy areas along the
edges of the road. The locked transpar-
ency means the shape is unaltered by
the brush work.
If the Spot Healing Brush doesn’t
work quite as expected, the Healing
Brush or Clone Stamp tool (S) will do
the job. Once finished with removing
the distractions, unlock the transparency,
use the Move tool (V) to drag this layer
over to the Ribbon Road document, and
position it beneath the Balloon layer.
Note: If you’re using the low-res Adobe
Stock file, your Ribbon layer will be much
smaller in the image.

Step Eight: Convert the layer to a smart
object (Layer>Smart Objects>Convert
to Smart Object), then enter Free Trans-
form. Right-c lick inside the image
and choose Flip Horizontal. Rotate and
position the layer so the small portion
appears to be streaming out of the
basket of the balloon.
Now c lick-and-drag one of the bot-
tom corner points to resize the ribbon.
Note: If you’re using the Adobe Stock
image, you’ll need to scale it up in size,
so don’t scale it as large as you see in
the image shown here (we had to scale
down the high-res version by about
30%); scale it so it goes just beyond the
top portion of the road.
Right-c lick again and choose Perspec-
tive. Drag either of the top control points
inward to narrow the portion nearest
the balloon. Click-and-drag the ribbon
back into position so it’s touching the
balloon again. Press Enter to commit
the transformation.

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