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Step 11: Click on the Add a Layer Style
icon (ƒx) at the bottom of the Layers panel
and add a Bevel & Emboss to the ribbon
layer. Set the Style to Inner Bevel, Depth
to 115%, Size to 0 px, and Soften to
1 px. In the Shading area, turn off Use
Global Light, and set the Angle to 131°
and Altitude to 32°.
Click on the Gloss Contour thumb-
nail to open the Contour Editor, select
Rounded Steps in the Preset drop-down
menu at the top, and c lick OK to close
the Contour Editor. Set the Opacity for
both the Highlight and Shadow Modes
to around 50%. This should give the
ribbon just a bit of depth so it doesn’t
appear to be completely two dimen-
sional. Click OK.
Step 12: Click on the Landscape layer in
the Layers panel to make it active, and
use the Lasso tool (L) to select the road
beyond the ribbon. Then use the Con-
tent-Aware Fill feature to replace that
area with more of the landscape. This
way the road doesn’t appear to keep
going into the horizon; rather it should
appear to lift upward to become the
ribbon of the balloon.