[ 45 ]
Step 15: The scene is completely
assembled at this point; all that’s
left is to polish it and make it a
cohesive composite. The colors of
the balloon don’t really match up
with the rest of the scene, so that
makes it stand out even more than
it needs. To address this, start by
adding a Hue/Saturation adjust-
ment layer (Layer>New Adjustment
Layer >Hue/Saturation) above the
Balloon layer, and press Option-
Command-G (PC: Alt-Ctrl-G) to
clip it to the balloon layer.
Then use the onscreen adjust-
ment tool (the hand with a point-
ing finger) in the Properties panel
to click on the orange area of the
balloon. Notice how the adjust-
ment layer registers the area as
Reds in the Properties panel, so
now we can make adjustments to
those tones. The goal is to change
the orange to match the green
areas of the landscape, so set the
Hue to +125, Saturation to –23,
and Lightness to –36.
Step 16: Click on the layer mask
thumbnail of the adjustment layer
in the Layers panel to target it, and
use the Brush tool set to a Soft
Round Brush (Hardness set to 0%)
with black paint to remove the
adjustment from the top left of
the balloon, so only the lower right
shows the color change.
Then add another Hue/Satura-
tion adjustment layer, clipped to
the previous one, to tweak the
reds again to have them match
the orange of the sunset. That
means the Reds in the Properties
panel should be set to Hue +8
and Saturation –25. These set-
tings are just a guide to serve as
a starting point to craft your edits
to your liking.