Photoshop User - USA (2020-10)

(Antfer) #1

>^ OCTOBER 2020

[ 46 ]

› › HOW TO

Step 17: Add a new layer
by going to Layer >New >
Layer. In the New Layer
dialog that appears, name it
“Dodge/Burn,” set the Mode
to Overlay, enable the option
for Fill with Overlay-neutral
Color (50% Gray), and click
OK. This adds a layer filled
with gray but the Over-
lay blending mode renders
it invisible so you can use
the Dodge and Burn tools
Use the Burn tool (O) with
a Soft Round brush to accen-
tuate the shadows of the
balloon and between the hills
of the landscape. Switch to
the Dodge tool and likewise
accentuate the highlights of
the balloon and the hills.

Step 18: Hold down the
Option (PC: Alt) key and go
to Layer >Merge Visible. This
creates a merged layer at the
top of the layer stack. Convert
this layer to a smart object,
and go to Filter > Camera
Raw Filter. In the Basic panel,
set the Clarity to +29 and
the Saturation to +10. In
the Effects panel, set the
Vignetting to –14 to add a
slight darkening to the out-
side corners. Click OK.
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