Photoshop User - USA (2020-10)

(Antfer) #1
[ 47 ]


Step 19: As a final touch,
go to Filter >Render>Lens
Flare. Use the 50-300mm
Zoom Lens Type and c lick-
and-drag the center of the
flare directly onto the sun
in the preview area. Then
set the Brightness to taste
(here we left it at 100%).
Click OK, and then enjoy
your surreal hot air balloon
ribbon road scene!

Ultimately, photo manipula-
tion projects like this allow
you to push your skillset
forward, not only in techni-
cal knowledge, but also in
your own creative aspira-
tions. The intent is to equip
you with the tools to create
your own surreal concepts
and then be able to explore
them fully, using the tools
within your favorite pixel-
pushing software. n
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