Photoshop User - USA (2020-10)

(Antfer) #1

Background Images ©Adobe Stock

It’s that time of year again where
we gather ’round the fire to listen to
some frightful tales of how many a
designer and photographer have smoked
their competition. And, as you focus
intently on roasting that marshmallow
to perfection, be sure to listen closely
because you don’t want to miss a thing.
These little campfire stories have been
cooked up by some of the best designers,
retouchers, and photographers in the
business. So blow out that f laming
marshmallow, stuff it between two
graham crackers with a bar of
chocolate, and prepare for s’ more
tricks and treats that will have you
laughing, singing, and maybe
even screaming around the
virtual Photoshop campfire.
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