>^ OCTOBER 2020
[ 72 ]
Another way to personalize your Photoshop experience
is by changing the colors of paths and Quick Mask. I’ve
often found that their default colors don’t work for me
when I’m retouching certain images. Let me show you
how to modify their colors.
If you love the Pen tool (P) as much as I do, I imagine there
may have been a few times when you were creating a path
around a blue subject, and you wished you could change
the color of the path. Or maybe you’d like to change the
path thickness so it’s easier for you to see. Well, my friend,
I’m going to tell you how to do it.
Go to Photoshop (PC: Edit)>Preferences>Guides,
Grids & Slices, and select a new color under the Path
Options drop-down menu in the Path section. To the
right of that is a drop-down menu where you can select
the thickness of the path.
This last shortcut has no real use, but it will make
your workspace look a little more fun! Click-and-
hold on the three dots below the tools in the
Toolbar and select Edit Toolbar. Now the only
thing you need to do is press-and-hold the Shift
key and click Done to close the Customize Tool-
bar dialog. A banana will appear on your Tool-
bar where those three dots were.
To remove the banana from the Toolbar,
click-and-hold on the banana, and select Edit
Toolbar to open the Customize Toolbar dialog
again. Then, Command-click (PC: Ctrl-click)
on Done.
I hope your nice, new workspace feels as great
as a fresh, clean home with rearranged and
dusted furniture! n
An alternate, and probably easier, way to change the
color and thickness of paths is to click the gear icon in
the Options Bar to open the Path Options.
To change the color of the Quick Mask overlay, double-c lick
on the Quick Mask icon near the bottom of the Toolbar
to open the Quick Mask Options dialog. Then, c lick on
the red square in the Color section to select a new color in
the Color Picker. Adjust the Opacity to taste, and c lick OK.