Photoshop User - USA (2020-10)

(Antfer) #1
Step 11: Let’s add more inter-
est to the background by
making part of it white. To
do that, press M to grab the
Rectangular Marquee (circled)
and draw a rectangular selec-
tion around the bottom third
of the document. The cursor
is also circled.
Tip: While drawing a
selection, press-and-hold the
Spacebar to reposition it.

Step 12: Click the half-black/
half-white circle at the bot-
tom of the Layers panel and
choose Solid Color again (or
choose Layer>New Fill Lay-
er>Solid Color). In the Color
Picker, enter FFFFFF into the
# field (circled) for white.
Click OK.

Step 13: Drag the new white
Color Fill layer beneath the
image layer and c lick to acti-
vate its layer mask (circled).
Choose Filter>Distort>Wave.
In the dialog that opens, set
the Wavelength Max field to
around 441 and the Ampli-
tude Max field to around
271 (try around 180 and 100
on the Adobe Stock preview
image), and c lick OK.


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