>^ OCTOBER 2020
[ 88 ]
› › HOW TO
Step 18: Select a bright purple color and switch your
Brush tool over to a basic soft round brush with a 30%
Flow in the Options Bar. This will allow you to make
multiple passes for more color application and control
(if you don’t have a tablet). Paint sparingly on the top
edges of the blurred green at first, and thicken the color
once you see the effect for which you’re going.
Again, take a look at some inspirational examples of
real aurora coloring to help guide where you’d like to see
more purple in your own image. Go wild and try a few vari-
ations; you can always take down the intensity using the
Purple layer’s Opacity setting.
to your own preference. Also, feel free to create several
Curves adjustment layers, and paint in the effect where it’s
needed around the image by using their accompanying
masks. Just be careful to keep it looking like night and not
day again!
Once you have an aurora effect you’re enjoying, you can
now apply some final effects for coloring, saturation, and
other global adjustments to really make things pop and
sync with the rest of the image. We deliberately kept the
image a bit flat up to this point to resemble an image
straight from the camera, so we’re going to need some
contrast to start. And if you added a decent amount of
greens or purples in the sky, you’ll definitely need to have
some of that coloring across the landscape features, so
let’s do this!
Step 19: Begin with a new Curves adjustment layer inside
a layer group above everything else in the layer stack.
Name this group “FX” or something helpful for your
own reference. Within the Curves adjustment, c lick to
add two control points, one for keeping the darks dark
(as it is nighttime after all), and the other for boosting
the highlights, as the nighttime effect left things dynami-
cally lacking in general. Each image is different, so do this
Step 20: Now it’s time to paint in some green and
purples on the land or water, depending on what you
created in your own sky masterpiece. Do this by creat-
ing a new layer above the Curves adjustment layer(s)
and change its blending mode. While the Color blend-
ing mode will literally change the color of everything to
the new color you paint, sometimes it’s preferable
to change the color and brighten things up a bit with
nondestructive dodging, which means changing the
blending mode to Overlay in this case. Again, each image
is different, so try a few blending modes here for the
right look. Paint with a soft brush set to green at a low
Opacity here.