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Step 21: After playing around with Curves and coloring, it’s a good idea to go in with one
last dodge-and-burn pass to make sure you have the right eye-flow and general balance.
Create a new layer and change its blending mode to Overlay once again. This time paint
with a low Opacity (below 10%) large (1000 px or more) soft round brush using black for
darkening and white for lightening. Less is definitely more at this stage; just add that final
gentle touch that helps it all come together with better balance and an intentional eye-
flow. And with that, you should be done and ready for your next experiment!
Remember, this is all just the
beginning of what you can
do when creating fantastic
skies from scratch, so put on
your experiment hat (tinfoil is
making a comeback, right?)
and see what you can come
create. For more on compos-
iting landscapes or more on
fun lighting effects, definitely
explore some of my classes
on KelbyOne to gain greater
depth into these subjects. In
the meantime, have fun play-
ing in the sky! n