>^ OCTOBER 2020
[ 92 ]
Step Two: Temporarily turn
off the visibility of the Sec-
ond Copy layer by c licking its
Eye icon in the Layers panel.
Click on the First Copy layer
to make it active, and go to
Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask.
Notice after applying the high
level of sharpening shown
here, the out-of-focus areas
have an increased amount
of noise. Sharpening is good
on the important edge detail,
but not in the out-of-focus
parts of the image. Press
Command-Z (PC: Ctrl-Z) to
undo Unsharp Mask.
Step Three: Turn the visibil-
ity back on for your Second
Copy layer. We’ll use this
to simulate and create the
edge’s mask. Click on this
layer to make it active, go
to Filter>Filter Gallery, and
in the Stylize set, c lick on
Glowing Edges.
Use the sliders to adjust
so that you’re seeing lots
of edges without too much
grain or noise being repre-
sented. The Smoothness slider
really helps remove unnec-
essary visual noise detail.
When you’re happy with the
amount of edge detail that’s
visible, c lick OK.
Step Four: While you’re still
on the Second Copy layer,
you need to remove all the
color artifacts caused by the
filter. Go to Image>Adjust-
ments>Desaturate or use the
shortcut Command-Shift-U
(PC: Ctrl-Shift-U). This makes
all the pixels on this layer
a gray tone.
Before Sharpening
After Sharpening