>^ OCTOBER 2020
[ 94 ]
Let’s compare the results:
This is a really handy technique
whether it’s focused on sharpening
edges, defringing edges, or possibly
just to realize you can explore fea-
tures in Photoshop and ask, “What
else could I do with that?”
This is my last article in the series on
selections and masks. I want to say a
special thank you to everyone on the
KelbyOne team for their support and
the KelbyOne Community for their
feedback and messages. Who would
have thought you could write about
selection techniques for so many
issues of the magazine? I’d like to
leave you with one closing idea.
When I worked at Apple as a
Senior Image Expert, it was at the
end of the “Think Different” era.
Although this was labeled as an ad
slogan for the company, it was much
more than a tagline or bumper sticker.
It was a cultural mindset, and it was
promoted that we always challenge
convention about not just what we
do day-to-day, but also how we do
it. Keep playing with selections and
masks in Photoshop, as well as trying
different tools that weren’t meant
to be used for selections or masks
to see what you can do with them.
Remember, engineers make the
tools to guide us; when we change
how we use the tools, we guide the
engineers. Happy editing! n
Final result with sharpening masked by the edge mask
built with Filter>Filter Gallery>Glowing Edges
Sharpened without the edge mask applied
(notice the noise in out-of-focus areas)
Original image