
(sharon) #1
» [ Z X Spectrum] My work
composing music for
Arkanoid only took me a
couple of hours.

» Here I am posing with t wo of the sales staf f, Jane Smithies and Clare Barnwell, on the Ocean
stand at the PCW Show in London 19 8 7.


“Crash was my favorite magazine and there,


and it was positive”

from me. I thought it might be nice
to try and do a decent two-channel
Spectrum version. It only took an hour
or so and they were done. I went into
work the next day and played them
to Mike Lamb, the Spectrum coder
for Arkanoid. He liked what he heard
and straight away said he’d like to put
them in the game. Ronnie Fowles, the
artist, even gave me a credit on the
loading screen.
I didn’t have to wait long before
my first proper project began. An
original game was being developed
out-of-house by Sensible Software on

the Commodore 64. The year before
it had written a game for Ocean called
Parallax that had been well received,
but as that had been the only version
written I’d not played it. Gary had
loved the early working version that
had been sent to him of its new game
and set about getting a Spectrum
translation developed almost alongside
the Commodore 64 version. This new
game was called Wizball. I was teamed
up with a chap called Steve Watson. He
was a newly employed programmer
and had previously written a game
published by The Edge called Psi


Me and my friend Mark Edwards

looking dapper in our Ocean caps. loloooooookkikinkkknngngggggg (^) ddaappppppppppeerererri inn oouoo
urrOOcceeaan ccaapp
my friend Mark Edwards my friend
e year before
or Ocean called
well received,
e only version
Gary had
version that
f its new game
lmost alongside
sion. This new
llll. I was teamed
teve Watson. He
ten a game
called Psi

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