The New York Times - USA (2020-10-25)

(Antfer) #1

EMILY MARSH, who lives in Sono-
ma County, Calif., always thought
the best thing about gardening

was the feel of soil on her finger-
tips. But last year she and her
fiancé moved to a townhouse with
an 8-by-12-foot concrete slab for a

backyard. As lockdowns in Cali-
fornia stretched into the month of
May, and Ms. Marsh, 30 and a

co-owner of a janitorial company,
read about the surge in gardens,
she felt the urge to plant her own.
But her only real option was a

hydroponic setup.
“I was completely against it at
first,” she said, adding that it just

didn’t seem like real gardening.
Reluctantly, Ms. Marsh purchased
a unit from Lettuce Grow, a com-
pany that sells ready-to-grow

hydroponic kits. “Now it’s just my
favorite thing,” she said.
As fall’s first frost strikes plants

across the country, you can practi-
cally hear the collective moan of
America’s gardeners: no more
fresh herbs, zucchini or heirloom

tomatoes until next summer.
Unless you bring your pan-
demic garden indoors.

Like urban chicken coops and
backyard beekeeping, interest in
hydroponics has surged during
the pandemic. For Aerogarden,

another company selling hydro-
ponic gardens, sales jumped 384
percent in the two weeks of

March, a time period that followed
most state lockdowns. From April
through June, sales were up 267
percent year over year.

“It has been a really amazing
year for us,” said Paul Rabaut, the
company’s director of marketing.

A representative for Lettuce Grow
said it was on track to do 10 times
the sales compared with last year.
Meanwhile, D.I.Y.-ers are build-

ing hydroponic gardens out of
PVC pipes and five-gallon buck-
ets. When lockdowns began, Vicki

Liston, 45, a professional voice-
over actor in New Mexico, wanted
to limit her trips to the grocery
store, and started construction on

a pipe-based system. She worried
about keeping a pandemic garden
alive in her very arid backyard,

but so far the project has been a
surprising success, she said.
Compared with traditional
in-ground gardening, “hydropon-

ics grows more food in less space
with less water and less time,”
said Dan Lubkeman, president of

the Hydroponic Society of
That is, if you get everything
right. Hydroponics is about opti-

mizing growing conditions: You
must have the perfect amount of
light and nutrition available at all

times. Nail it, and plants can grow
up to five times as fast as they
would in soil outside, Mr. Rabaut

Ms. Marsh, who now has gar-
dens indoors and out, can vouch
for Mr. Rabaut’s assertion. She is

constantly amazed at the vigor of
her plants. “We planted three
tomato seedlings, and so far we
have gotten 350 tomatoes,” she

said. “It’s insane.”
There’s a downside, though. Soil
is pretty forgiving — get overzeal-

ous with your fertilizer, and your
cucumbers may suffer, but the soil
can buffer a fair amount of the
damage. Water is much less for-

giving, and the internet doesn’t
always have great advice, Mr.
Lubkeman said. He recommends

connecting with your nearest
hydroponics specialty shop, where
employees are likely to be experi-
enced growers, or buying a book

on the subject.
That’s one reason many new-to-
hydroponic gardeners opt to buy a

plug-and-play kit: These kits tell
you exactly what to add and when.
If you’re feeling crafty and a little
adventurous, though, you can
easily build one yourself.
Here’s how to reap a lot of
produce without so much as get-
ting your hands dirty.

A hydroponic setup requires
a few basic elements.
Whether you construct it yourself
or buy a kit, a hydroponic garden
needs the following:

  • Seeds or seedlings. If you’re
    doing this inside, look for varieties
    that thrive in containers. This will
    ensure none of your plants get so
    big they take over your whole
    hydroponic setup.

  • A reservoir for the nutrient
    solution, which is made up of all
    the macronutrients (think nitro-
    gen and phosphorus) and micro-
    nutrients (like iron and calcium)
    plants need.

  • An aerating pump for oxygenat-
    ing your nutrient solution, since
    plant roots need oxygen, too.

  • A water pump to move water
    out of the reservoir and onto your
    plants throughout the day.

  • Light! More on this below.

  • A “medium.” Since you’re not
    using soil, you’ll need something
    to hold the plant’s roots in place.
    Many mediums also help keep
    roots moist between waterings.
    Mr. Lubkeman recommends a
    material called rockwool for

Decide whether to build
yourself or build out of a box.
As with most hobbies, you can
spend a little or a lot. Originally,
Ms. Marsh wanted to go the cheap
route. Setting up a medium-size
D.I.Y. system with a few buckets
and an aquarium pump can set
you back less than $150. But Ms.
Marsh worried about getting
everything working correctly.
Lettuce Grow’s container is made
from recycled plastic, and for Ms.
Marsh, that tipped the scales
toward buying a premade kit,
even if units start at $348 — no
lights included.
Aerogarden’s smallest units,
which do include grow lights, start
at $99, with larger models going
up to $600. Ultimately, the deci-
sion about whether to buy a kit or
build your own comes down to
whether you enjoy tinkering or
would rather not spend a Satur-
day gluing PVC pipes and plastic
tubing together.

It’s all about balance.
Once your setup is set up, you
may see seeds sprouting within
three days, though some plants
take longer. By two weeks, your
seedlings should start to look like
real plants. Which is when Ms.
Liston realized that her hydro-
ponic experiment was not going
quite right. Just a few weeks in,
her plants were dying.
It turned out her tap water was
too alkaline. A pH buffering solu-
tion fixed the problem. (Water
testing between 6.5 and 7.0 on the
pH scale is considered ideal.) A
setup like AeroGarden will tell you
when you need to add fertilizer or
adjust the pH of your water. If you
built your own operation, you’ll
need to remember to add nutri-
ents and check the pH of your
water (using testing strips)
“It’s been fantastic,” Ms. Liston
said, adding that once she got her
light, pH and nutrient levels dialed
in, “it just exploded.”

There is too much
of a good thing.
If some plant nutrients are good,
more seems as if it would be bet-
ter, right? That’s not at all the
case, Ms. Liston said. So far, she’s
managed not to overfeed her
plants, but too much plant food
can result in dead or severely
damaged plants. How often and
how much you’ll need to feed
depends on the type of nutrient
solution you’re using. Read the
directions on the bottle.

Let those lights shine.
You may be able to grow lettuce,
kale or herbs in a sunny window,
but as days get shorter, investing
in a full-spectrum grow light is
worth the expense. These lights
provide the same range of light as
the sun and you’ll see much faster

growth, Mr. Lubkeman said. In
Ms. Liston’s case, adding a light
and moving her plants next to her
sunniest window resulted in a
noticeable change in their

Goodbye bugs
(for better or worse).
Ms. Liston’s favorite thing about
growing indoors is that it’s bug
free. While that means you won’t
need to pluck slugs from your
lettuce, you will need to take over
for bees and do your own pollinat-
ing. For plants like peppers, toma-
toes and cucumbers, Mr. Rabaut
said some customers report get-
ting decent pollination rates just
by shaking plants gently every
day or two. However, you’ll get
even better results if you’re will-
ing to play the part of the bee —
using a Q-tip or small brush to
sweep pollen from one blossom to

Keep things clean.
This is in your house, after all.
While there’s no dirt involved,
these setups can get a little funky.
Ms. Liston does a thorough
wipedown of the PVC plant hold-
ers every two weeks. If you buy a
premade kit, follow the manufac-
turer’s instructions on cleaning.

Maintenance is key.
Ms. Marsh tries to clip back
greens and herbs at least two
times a week. Many items — like
basil — do need to be kept
trimmed back or else they’ll go to
seed and stop producing. While
hydroponic gardens are signifi-
cantly less work than their out-
door counterparts (no weeding!),
you can’t neglect your plants
completely and still expect them
to thrive, Mr. Lubkeman said.


Whether inside or out, here’s how to reap vegetables, fruit and

herbs without so much as getting your hands dirty.


Use Hydroponics

And Enjoy

Fresh Produce

Top, Vicki Liston checking the
rosemary in her hydroponic garden
in New Mexico. Above, the Harvest
Elite 360 from AeroGarden comes
with a grow light and control panel.
Left, Lettuce Grow’s Farmstand
system can grow up to 36 plants.

WHAT DO CHILDRENmake of the day’s headlines?
The endless deluge of news is staggering and tough
to get a handle on, even for grown-ups. And with
disinformation packaged as journalism rampant on
social media, there is an urgent need to help kids
tell the difference between truth and propaganda.
These news podcasts are perfect for young people
seeking a better understanding of what the adults
are fussing about and for parents who want to help
their children learn how to engage critically with the
world around them.

Want to develop a daily news habit in your children?
“KidNuz” is what NPR’s “Up First” might sound like
if its target audience was 14 and under. Without any
of the wacky bells and entrancing whistles that can
often give children’s programming a cartoonish
quality, the broadcast journalists behind this podcast
deliver accessible summaries of the news of the day.
Every weekday morning, expect a seven-minute
episode filled with age-appropriate stories from the
worlds of politics, science, sports and entertainment.
Each report ends with a flash quiz on the details
delivered in the episode to encourage close listening,
and the website features plenty of resources for
educators and parents to keep the learning going.

In 10 minutes or less, the episodes of this current
affairs show feature “the stuff grown-ups are talking
about, explained, and way more fun.” “The Ten
News” tackles things like Supreme Court nomina-
tions, the Postal Service, presidential debates, poll
worker shortages and the gender pay gap in sports.
The host, Bethany Van Delft, breaks down the topic
du jour to the basics, giving preteens the background
they need to understand why that day’s news mat-
ters as well as the context to better help them de-
velop informed opinions of their own. New episodes
air every Tuesday and Thursday.

In each weekly episode, the Australian Broadcasting
Corporation reporter Ruby Cornish counts down five
news stories with the aid of preschoolers whom she
calls her “news helpers.” While the show focuses
mostly on the lighter headlines for 6-year-olds and
under (think awesome animals and young inven-
tors), it also offers deft summaries of the world’s
more serious stories. But the show’s real strength is
in how it lets kids explain the big news of the day
from their own points of view. For example, in June,
“News Time” gave a breakdown of the Black Lives
Matter protests that was delivered by the news
helpers themselves, who explained in their own
words what the words protest, racism and movement
mean to them. The show still manages to be full of
silliness and surprise and encourages curiosity in the
world around young ones.

How do you raise a judicious consumer of journalism
in the golden age of misinformation? You get a sassy
robot to host a fact-or-fiction game show, of course.
Every week on “The Big Fib,” a show for ages 7 to 12,
the robot L.I.S.A. (“Live In-Studio Audience”) and
Deborah Goldstein, the show’s co-host and executive
producer, introduce a young contestant of the week
to two adults, both claiming to be experts in a partic-
ular subject. But one is an impostor. The players
must weigh the information given to them, ask smart
questions and use reasoning skills to determine who
is the real expert and who is the liar. The podcast,
previously known as “Pants on Fire,” keeps the
subject matter fun and family-friendly. Topics have
included “Bread,” “Hip Hop,” “Puzzles” and a peren-
nial kid favorite, “Toilets,” in which a 9-year-old
named Theo has to figure out whether a civil engi-
neer named Gloria really created a solar-powered
toilet, or if the other grown-up in the hot seat, Joe, is
really an expert plumber. It’s a goofy premise that
nevertheless shows children how to be good skeptics
and equips them with the critical-thinking tools they
need to interpret the world around them.

Make News

Kid Friendly

These podcasts can help your

child understand and think

critically about current affairs.




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