The New York Times - USA (2020-10-25)

(Antfer) #1



HE Trump presidency has
brought American democracy to
the breaking point. The president
has encouraged violent extre-
mists; deployed law enforcement and
other public institutions as weapons
against rivals; and undermined the integ-
rity of elections through false claims of
fraud, attacks on mail-in voting and an ap-
parent unwillingness to accept defeat.
In this, he has been aided and abetted
by a Republican Party that has fallen into
the grips of white nationalism. The Repub-
lican base and its white Christian core,
facing a loss of its dominant status in soci-
ety, has radicalized, encouraging party
leaders to engage in voter suppression,
steal a Supreme Court seat in 2016 and tol-
erate the president’s lawless behavior. As
a result, Americans today confront the
prospect of a crisis-ridden election, in
which they are unsure whether they will
be able to cast a ballot fairly, whether their
ballots will be counted, whether the candi-
date favored by voters will emerge victori-
ous and whether the vote will throw the
country into violence.
Yet if American democracy is nearing a
breaking point, the crisis generated by the

Trump presidency could also be a prelude
to a democratic breakthrough. Opposition
to Trumpism has engendered a growing
multiracial majority that could lay a foun-
dation for a more democratic future. Pub-
lic opinion has shifted in important ways,
especially among white Americans.
According to the political scientist Mi-
chael Tesler, the percentage of Americans
who agree that “there’s a lot of discrimina-
tion against African-Americans” in-
creased from 19 percent in 2013 to 50 per-
cent in 2020, driven in the main by
changes in the attitudes of white voters.
Likewise, a Pew Research Center survey
found that the percentage of Americans
who believe that the country needs to
“continue making changes to give Blacks
equal rights with whites” rose from 46 per-
cent in 2014 to 61 percent in 2017.
America’s emerging multiracial demo-
cratic majority was visible this summer in
the aftermath of the police killing of
George Floyd in Minneapolis. The killing
set off what may be the biggest wave of
protest in United States history. An esti-
mated 15 million to 26 million Americans
took to the streets, and protests extended
into small-town and rural America. Three-
quarters of Americans supported the pro-
tests in June, and large majorities — in-
cluding 60 percent of whites — supported

the Black Lives Matter movement. These
numbers declined over the course of the
summer. As of September, however, 55
percent of Americans (and 45 percent of
white Americans) continued to support
Black Lives Matter, levels that were con-
siderably higher than ever before.
Not only do most Americans disap-
prove of the way Mr. Trump is handling his
job, but an unprecedented majority now
embraces ethnic diversity and racial
equality, two essential pillars of multi-
racial democracy.
Yet translating this new multiethnic
majority into a governingmajority has
been difficult. Democracy is supposed to
be a game of numbers: The party with the
most votes wins. In our political system,
however, the majority does not govern.
Constitutional design and recent political
geographic trends — where Democrats
and Republicans live — have unintention-
ally conspired to produce what is effec-
tively becoming minority rule.
Our Constitution was designed to favor
small (or low-population) states. Small
states were given representation equal to
that of big states in the Senate and an ad-
vantage in the Electoral College. What be-
gan as a minor small-state advantage
evolved, over time, into a vast overrepre-
sentation of rural states. For most of our
history, this rural bias did not tilt the parti-
san playing field much because both ma-
jor parties maintained huge urban and ru-
ral wings.
Today, however, American parties are
starkly divided along urban-rural lines:
Democrats are concentrated in big metro-
politan centers, whereas Republicans are
increasingly based in sparsely populated
territories. This gives Republicans an ad-
vantage in the Electoral College, the Sen-
ate and — because the president selects
Supreme Court nominees and the Senate
approves them — the Supreme Court.
Recent U.S. election results fly in the
face of majority rule. Republicans have
won the popular vote for president only
once in the last 20 years and yet have con-
trolled the presidency for 12 of those 20
years. Democrats easily won more overall
votes for the U.S. Senate in 2016 and 2018,
and yet the Republicans hold 53 of 100
seats. The 45 Democratic and two inde-

pendent sena-
tors who caucus
with them repre-
sent more people
than the 53 Re-
This is minority
rule. An electoral
majority may not be enough for the Demo-
crats to win the presidency this year ei-
ther. According to the FiveThirtyEight
presidential model, if Joe Biden wins the
popular vote by one to two points, there is
an 80 percent chance that Mr. Trump wins
the presidency again. If Mr. Biden wins by
two to three points, Mr. Trump is still likely
to win. Mr. Biden must win by six points or
more to have a near lock on the presiden-
cy. Senate elections are similarly skewed.
The problem is exacerbated by Republi-
can efforts to dampen turnout among
younger, lower-income and minority vot-
ers. Republican state governments have
purged voter rolls and closed polling
places on college campuses and in pre-
dominantly African-American neighbor-
hoods, and since 2010, a dozen Republi-
can-led states have passed laws making it
more difficult to register or vote.
Minority rule has, in turn, skewed the
composition of the Supreme Court. Under
Mr. Trump, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kava-
naugh became the first two justices in his-
tory to be appointed by a president who
lost the popular vote and then be con-
firmed by senators who represented less
than half the electorate. Amy Coney Bar-
rett is likely to become the third.
In America today, then, the majority
does not govern. This disjuncture cries out
for reform. We must double down on de-
mocracy. This means above all defending
and expanding the right to vote. HR-1 and
HR-4, a package of reforms approved by
the House of Representatives in 2019 but
blocked by the Senate, is a good start.
HR-1 would establish nationwide auto-
matic and same-day registration, expand
early and absentee voting, prohibit flawed
purges that remove eligible voters from
the rolls, require independent redistrict-
ing commissions to draw congressional
maps, and restore voting rights to con-
victed felons who have served their time.
HR-4 would fully restore the 1965 Voting
Rights Act, which was gutted by the Su-
preme Court in 2013.
Doubling down on democracy also
means reforms that empower majorities,
such as eliminating the Senate filibuster.
The filibuster, which was rarely used dur-
ing much of the 20th century, has turned
into a routine instrument of legislative ob-
struction. There were more Senate filibus-
ters over the last two decades than in the
previous eight. All meaningful legislation
now effectively requires 60 votes, which
amounts to a permanent minority veto.
A democratic reform agenda should
also include an offer of statehood to the
District of Columbia and to Puerto Rico,
which would provide full and equal repre-
sentation to nearly four million Ameri-
cans who are currently disenfranchised.
And it should include elimination of the
Electoral College. The House last voted in
favor of a constitutional amendment in
1969, but the proposal died in the Senate,
at the hands of old segregationist inter-
ests. (As Senator James Allen of Alabama
put it: “The Electoral College is one of the
South’s few remaining political safe-
guards. Let’s keep it.”)
Not only would ending minority rule be
inherently democratic, but, importantly, it
would also encourage the Republican
Party to abandon its destructive course of
radicalization. Normally, political parties
change course when they lose elections.
But in America today there is a hitch: Re-
publicans can win and exercise power
without building national electoral ma-
jorities. Excessively counter-majoritarian
institutions blunt Republicans’ incentive
to adapt to a changing electorate. As long
as the Republicans can hold onto power
without broadening beyond their shrink-
ing base, they will remain prone to the
kind of extremism and demagogy that
currently threatens our democracy.
There is ample precedent for democrat-
ic reform in America. A century ago, like
today, the United States experienced dis-
ruptive economic change, an unprece-
dented influx of migrants and the growth
of behemoth corporations. Citizens be-
lieved that their political system had be-
come corrupt and dysfunctional. Progres-
sive reform advocates like Herbert Croly
argued that Americans were living in a de-
mocracy with antiquated institutions de-
signed for an agrarian society, which left
our political system ill-equipped to cope
with the problems of an industrial age and
vulnerable to corporate capture.
The response was a sweeping reform
movement that remade our democracy.
Key reforms — then regarded as radical
but now taken for granted — included the
introduction of party primaries; the ex-
pansion of the citizen referendum; and
constitutional amendments allowing a na-
tional income tax, establishing the direct
election of U.S. senators and extending
suffrage to women. American democracy
thrived in the 20th century in part be-
cause it was able to reform itself.
Critics of reform assert that counter-
majoritarian institutions are essential to
liberal democracy. We agree. That’s what
the Bill of Rights and judicial review are
for: to help ensure that individual liberties
and minority rights are protected under
majority rule. But disenfranchisement is
not a feature of modern liberal democracy.
No other established democracy has an
Electoral College or makes regular use of
the filibuster. And a political system that
repeatedly allows a minority party to con-
trol the most powerful offices in the coun-
try cannot remain legitimate for long.
Democracy requires more than major-
ity rule. But without majority rule, there is
no democracy. Either we become a truly
multiracial democracy or we cease to be a
democracy at all.

We must become a truly multiracial

democracy or lose legitimacy.


Mr. Levitsky and
Mr. Ziblatt are
professors of
government at
Harvard and the
authors of “How
Democracies Die.”


VERY eligible vote should be
counted. But already in this elec-
tion, more than 9,800 ballots
have been challenged and face
rejection in North Carolina. In Florida,
that number is 11,900.
These votes are often flagged because
the signature on the mail-in ballot does-
n’t quite match the one election officials
have on file. That’s enough in some
states — typically states controlled by
Republicans — to reject the ballot en-
tirely, sometimes without even giving
the voter a chance to fix the problem.
Not long ago, Georgia required voters
to write their address and birth year on
the ballot return envelope. Any mistake
could get their ballot tossed.

The state was sued, and the law was
“These extra fields practically
amounted to a literacy test,” said Sean
Young, legal director of A.C.L.U. Georgia.
We’re told that these restrictive laws
guard against voter fraud. But voter
fraud is a problem so small and insignifi-
cant that only a handful of cases are re-
corded each election. And less restrictive
safeguards against voter fraud are al-
ready in place, like the voter registration
The laws themselves are the real
threat to our democracy. States with re-
strictive laws are tossing away thou-
sands of legitimate votes from well-
meaning voters. And they’re doing it
with the consent of the courts.

The Many Ways Your

Everything from the proportions of characters to the space between letters can be scrutinized.
In states that conduct signature matching, these differences could be enough to reject the ballot.

How signatures on return envelopes are evaluated

Genuine signature

Questioned signature

Source: Colorado secretary of state’s “Signature Verification Guide”







Nathaniel Lash is
a graphics reporter
in Opinion. Stuart
A. Thompson is a
writer and editor in


ROUND supper time on Election
Day, 1880, the poll workers in
Bolivar County, Miss., were get-
ting hungry. Someone ran out
for sardines and crackers. The officials
noshed and counted votes until the “vio-
lent laxative” that had been added to the
Republicans’ sardines started to take ef-
fect. Then they ran for the outhouses
while the remaining Democrats counted a
suspiciously large majority.
As a historian of American democracy,
I used to collect anecdotes like this from
the mid-to-late 1800s. They dramatized,
with outlandish gall, just how different
America’s past was from the square poli-
tics I grew up with in the late 20th cen-
tury. But on the eve of an election the
president of the United States has de-
clared might be stolen from him, a fear he
promises to counter with an “army” of
partisan poll watchers, dirty tricks don’t
feel so distant. As our politics have dark-
ened, I’ve shifted away from studying
spiked sardines, wondering instead how
Americans ever stopped stealing elec-
Such thefts are not cute. They robbed
thousands of people of their rights, helped
kill Reconstruction and forestalled politi-
cal reform. We still suffer from these
crimes, over a century later. But in a striv-
ing nation dominated by what Charles
Dickens called “the love of smart deal-
ings,” crooked politicians often chuckled
about their cunning. “Instead of wrath” at
stolen elections, the humorist James Rus-
sell Lowell complained upon returning
from abroad, “I found banter.” When the
journalist Lincoln Steffens mentioned a
St. Louis trick to a party boss in Philadel-
phia, the two began excitedly talking
shop, “as one artist to another.” Although
most elections were (relatively) clean,
“majority manufacturers” in teeming
Northern cities, racially tense Southern
districts and new Western settlements

laid out two paths for stealing elections —
steal the cast or steal the count.
Understanding how these swindles
worked can help shed light on what we
should and shouldn’t worry about in 2020.
Stealing elections often started with
the U.S. Postal Service — central to this
election as well. In a nation that was over
80 percent rural, post offices were a choke
point for political news. But they were run
by deeply partisan postmasters, ap-
pointed by the very congressmen they’d
help elect, and they frequently “lost” the
opposition’s newspapers or correspon-
dences. And because parties privately
printed their own ballots in those days,
post offices and newspaper publishers
could buy up all the paper in town, mak-
ing it difficult for rivals to get enough tick-
ets. Even the telegraph wires couldn’t be
trusted: In the contested presidential
election of 1876, Western Union operators
sent Democratic politicians’ private mes-
sages straight to Republican headquar-
The tricks grew more confrontational
on Election Day itself. Most states lacked
voter registration systems, so partisans
hung around the polls, challenging illegal
voters — on account of age, race or resi-
dency — and intimidating legal ones they
believed would vote for the rival ticket..
Challenges could be oddly intimate, like
the elderly Democrat in Civil War-torn
Missouri who was threatened by a young
man whom “I have known ever since he
was a child.” They could also lead to atro-
cious brutality. In the South at the end of
Reconstruction, white Democratic rifle
clubs “policed” the polls. They invented
the term “bulldoze” in 1876 to describe the
use of a “dose” of the bullwhip to terrorize
African-American voters.
Unlike today, there actually was wide-
spread fraud in casting ballots, what Rud-
yard Kipling called the uniquely Ameri-
can “art of buying up votes retail.” A glass

How to Steal an Election


A curator of
political history at
the Smithsonian’s
National Museum
of American
History and the
author of the
forthcoming “The
Age of Acrimony:
How Americans
Fought to Fix Their

A crowd of men
accused of voter
fraud in the
election argue
with law officers
in New York.

Let’s End

Minority Rule



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