New Scientist - USA (2020-10-24)

(Antfer) #1
24 October 2020 | New Scientist | 55

Tom Gauld
for New Scientist


sinuses, located behind the eyes,
leads to a more diffuse headache
that can be felt in the front or the
back of the skull.
A “splitting” headache with pain
behind and between the eyes that
radiates to the forehead occurs
due to congestion in the ethmoid
sinuses, which are found between
the nose and eyes.
Tension or stress headaches are
other common types. The location
of the pain depends on which
muscle group in the head and neck
is sending signals that the brain
interprets as pain. This kind of
headache can result from poor
posture or anxiety (as emotional
stress has a physical effect), or
a vicious circle involving both.
This happens when adrenaline
released by the body to help
cope with stress causes throbbing

pain due to over-dilation of the
blood vessels in the brain.
The type of pain experienced
and its location can help unlock
the mystery of why you got it, and
allow you to take steps to fix it.

Cycle logic

A triplet bike is lighter and has less
resistance per person, so is more
efficient than a tandem, which is
more efficient than a regular bike.
Does this trend hold however long
the bike? (continued)

Hilary Johnston
Perth, Western Australia
At a cycling event in Perth 30 years
ago, a group of men brought out a
10-seater bike.
Despite much sprinting
with the bike to gain enough
speed to jump on and start
pedalling, the men never
successfully rode it because the
minimum speed to maintain
balance couldn’t be reached. It
proved impossible to keep the
centre of gravity under the
cyclists on such a long bike.

Jerry Shiner
Toronto, Canada
Any useful gains in the ratios
between riders, bicycle, air or
mechanical resistance would
become more limited with each
extra rider, soon becoming so
minuscule as to be meaningless.

Mike Follows
Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, UK
Intuition suggests that tandems
and triples should be more
efficient because of the slipstream
benefit for the rear riders and the
smaller mass of machine per rider.
However, the men’s tandem world
record for 1000 metres is only just
faster than that for a regular bike.
Time trials on UK roads show
that there would usually be a close
finish in a men’s race between a
regular bike and a tandem over
distances of 10 to 100 miles, and
that women riding solo should
consistently beat a tandem.
Tandem racing ceased as an
Olympic event after 1972, but
continues at the Paralympics,
with an athlete with a visual
impairment in the rear seat. ❚

Quick quiz #74

1 Mae Jemison

2 Blood plasma

3 George Washington Carver

4 Termite

5 Leprosy

Cryptic crossword
#42 Answers

ACROSS 7 Dolly the sheep,
8/11 Maillard reaction, 9 Rook,
10 Crampon, 12 Resin,
14 Match, 16 Accrete, 19 Stun,
20 Appetite, 22 Doppler effect

DOWN 1 Soda, 2 Slalom,
3 Ethanol, 4 Veldt, 5 Charge,
6 Keto diet, 13 Scupper,
15 Canopy, 17 Ratify,
18 Raven, 7 Tick

#81 A bridge too far

Tom can take 9 minutes to
cross the bridge and the group
can still cross in 17 minutes.
Call the four students A, B, Tom
and Tim. If A takes 1 minute
and B takes 2 minutes then:
A and B cross (2 minutes),
A returns (1 minute),
Tom and Tim cross (10 minutes),
B returns (2 minutes),
A and B cross (2 minutes).

From this it can be seen that
Tom can take 9 minutes and
not affect the total time.

“ Intuition suggests

tandems are more
efficient, but time
trials show that solo
female riders usually
beat tandem riders”
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