Barron's - USA (2020-10-26)

(Antfer) #1

October 26, 2020 BARRON’S 11


Consider dumping department store stocksby

Thanksgiving because shopping trends might look

good around then, but will be much worse later.

Holiday Shopping

Could Start Early,

But Trouble’s in Store


anta’s not a smoker, as


old, and his belly

shakes when he laughs

“like a bowl full of

jelly,” according to one

poem. Those are risk

factors for Covid-19, so I suppose it

was inevitable thatMacy’ssaid this

past week that the bearded gift-giver

wouldn’t sit with children at any of its

stores for the first time in 159 years.

That’s as good a signal as any for

investors who own shares of retailers

to contemplate the spending implica-

tions of a socially distant Christmas. If

a new forecast from UBS has it right,

things will look jolly at first, until they

don’t, which might provide a selling

opportunity inNovember.

The good news: Retail sales picked

up smartly in September, the latest

reported month. Joblessness remains

high, but many who are working have

money to spend, after months of for-

going family trips and meals out.

The National Retail Federation says

it is “cautiously optimistic” about

fourth-quarter sales, which is like a

cheerleading squad that gets the

crowd chanting m-a-y-b-e. But UBS

analyst Jay Sole published a report

this past week predicting that U.S.

holiday sales will fall 10% to 12% year

over year. If that’s right, depressed

store stocks could have further to slide

later this year.

The prediction refers specifically to

so-called softline goods, like clothing

and accessories, not hardlines, like

electronics and appliances. It’s based

in part on surveys of U.S. shopper

intentions. This year, 41% said the

economy would affect their holiday

spending versus 28% last year. That’s

the biggest change since the global

financial crisis more than a decade

ago. The numbers suggest big shifts

toward online shopping and away

from department stores, and with

fewer customers paying online and

then picking goods up in stores.

There is a sharp increase in the

number of shoppers who say they will

start their holiday shopping by Nov. 1.

“Our guess is this demand ‘pull-for-

ward’ will cause early holiday season

reads to look good,” Sole writes.

“However, we think once retailers

start to lap big shopping weeks near

Thanksgiving, real-time indicators

will weaken, causing stocks to react

negatively.” Sole is most bearish on

department stores Macy’s (ticker: M),

Nordstrom(JWN), andKohl’s(KSS).

But he’s bullish on brands that can “go

it alone” without department stores,

likeLevi Strauss(LEVI),Nike

(NKE), andSkechers USA(SKX).

There are a few big unknowns. The

U.S. is experiencing a third major

surge in Covid-19 cases, hospitaliza-

tions, and deaths. If that trend contin-

ues through Christmas, then, well, on

Donner, on Blitzen, we’re all in deep

you-know-whatzen. Also, part of a

summer lift in consumer spending

was owed to government stimulus

programs to help the needy and sup-

port the economy.

We are likely to get more stimulus

after the Nov. 3 election, once political

calculations subside, because there are

no deficit hawks left in Washington,

D.C., says David Kelly, chief global

strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Man-

agement. “The species has died,” he

says. “The 2017 Tax Act proved that

you couldn’t call the Republicans ex-

actly deficit hawks. And I certainly

don’t think you could characterize

[House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi as a

deficit hawk.” But Kelly also says that

if Congress remains split, stimulus

could take longer to pass.

FiveThirtyEight, an election fore-

caster, puts Joe Biden’s chances of

winning the presidency at 87%. Polls

schmolls, some say, given how wrong

they were in 2016, but FiveThirty-

Eight back then gave Donald Trump a

30% chance of winning, higher than

most did. Its models now suggest that

even assuming a 2016-size surprise,

Biden is favored. Democrats have a

74% chance of taking the Senate, the

site says. I don’t mention this as an

open call for misdirected partisan

rage-mail, or because I think elections

are a good predictor of stock returns.

There are some policy plans that

could factor into the subject at hand.

Biden says he wants to raise the

top tax rate on high earners to 39.6%

from 37% to help pay for new pro-

grams like a public option for health

care. For those making over $1 million

a year, he would like capital gains to

be taxed as income, rather than at

special, low rates of 20% or less. And

he wants to eliminate something

called the step-up basis in capital

gains, whereby investors can avoid

taxes on appreciated stock by dying—I

don’t recommend that strategy as a

first resort.

If Biden prevails, and the Dems

sweep, wealthy investors might be

tempted to take gains in highfliers by

year’s end. And if they sell winners,

they might want to cash in some

stinkers, too, as an offset. Tax-loss

selling is often done only grudgingly,

near year’s end. Do you see where I’m

going here? Macy’s is down 56% so far

this year; Nordstrom, 65%; and Kohl’s,

52%. Consider dumping shares of

struggling retailers like these by

Thanksgiving if you expect a year-end

rush for tax selling, and because if

UBS’s Sole is right, shopping trends

might look good around then but will

be much worse later.


uick follow-ups: Two

weeks ago I mentioned

taking aLabCorp(LH)

mail-in Covid-19 test, and

some of you were kind

enough to ask how it went. It was

speedy and negative, thanks. The

stock has tacked on another 5% since

that column, or 2.5% for each nostril,

and is now up 22% for the year.

Last week, I wrote about the wide

disagreement on Wall Street over how

many iPhonesApple(AAPL) will sell

this year. Consider guessing high. I

ordered two this past week, because

after factoring in subsidies of $850 per

phone fromT-Mobile US(TMUS),

and a lower cost for service compared

with my current carrier, the phones

were about free. Piper Sandler analyst

Harsh Kumar ran a survey last De-

cember suggesting high interest in

upgrades, and another one weeks ago

suggesting low interest. But once he

saw the subsidies, he set the surveys

aside and raised his forecast for the

quarter ending December to 73 mil-

lion phones from 65 million.B

email: [email protected]

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