Barron's - USA (2020-10-26)

(Antfer) #1

October 26, 2020 BARRON’S 29


Alphabet shares have appreciatedalmost 10%

since the House antitrust report, addingnearly

$100 billionin market capitalization.

The Big Tech Assault:

Lots of Noise, Some

Truth, 5 Great Stocks


nvestors seem remarkably,

almost impossibly, indifferent

to the intensifying regulatory

assault on the tech megacaps.

Consider this: On July 29,

the House Judiciary Commit-

tee conducted an extraordi-

nary virtual hearing, grilling the

CEOs ofAlphabet(ticker: GOOGL),


(AMZN), andApple(AAPL). It was a

bipartisan assault, with testy ques-

tions from both sides of the aisle. In

reaction, all four stocks rallied.

On Oct. 6, the House antitrust sub-

committee published a scathing 449-

page report on those same companies.

The report, signed only by the panel’s

Democratic members, attacked their

conduct, declaring that both Google

and Facebook are monopolies that en-

gage in anticompetitive behavior. Once

again, the stocks posted gains.

And last week, the Justice Depart-

ment and 11 state attorneys general—

all Republicans—filed a long-expected

antitrust lawsuit against Alphabet,

alleging that Google has engaged in

anticompetitive activity in the conduct

of its search and advertising busi-

nesses and asking for unspecified

remedies to force it to change its be-

havior. The stock rallied.

In fact, Alphabet shares have ap-

preciated almost 10% since the release

of the House report, adding nearly

$100 billion in market capitalization.

Facebook, Amazon, and Apple have

all posted gains over the same period.

How to interpret this? The most

obvious conclusion is that Wall Street

thinks this is a bunch of hooey, a series

of chest-thumping show trials unlikely

to result in actual enforcement. The

Google case is likely to take years to

play out, by which time Google and its

megatech pals will likely be bigger and

more powerful than today, as online

advertising, retail, and content busi-

nesses grow at the expense of their

offline brethren. And, by the way, we

could be a few weeks away from a

changing of the guard at the DOJ.

An alternative explanation is that

investors actually would welcome a

forced breakup of the tech giants—

that it would create value by forcing

spinoffs of, say, YouTube, Instagram,

and Amazon Web Services. (Less ob-

vious is what you would do in Apple’s

case—maybe peel off the App Store?)

Under this theory, even if the compa-

nies lose, investors could win.

Yet a third possibility is that the

market is deluding itself—that inves-

tors are in for a rude awakening as tech

regulation muffles growth rates, forces

business changes, and curtails relent-

less expansion into new business lines.

Or maybe the right answer is 3b;

even if all that happens, these bril-

liantly run companies will innovate

their way into new markets and fat

revenue growth. Note thatMicrosoft

(MSFT), the last big tech target of anti-

trust regulators, has surged this year

to a record valuation.

RBC Capital internet analyst Mark

Mahaney this past week wrote a

thoughtful response to the House

committee report, which he found a

little perplexing. Mahaney has been

covering internet stocks for more than

20 years, and knows the companies as

well as anyone on the Street.

At the heart of Mahaney’s problem

with the report is a stark disagree-

ment on whether these companies are

a force for good or fundamentally evil.

The legislators vote “evil.” They wrote:

“Companies that once were scrappy,

underdog start-ups that challenged

the status quo have become the kinds

of monopolies we last saw in the era of

oil barons and railroad tycoons,” re-

ferring to evil capitalists of yore.

Mahaney doesn’t deny there are

legitimate reasons to ask if the mega-

techs have periodically abused their

power. But on balance he thinks they

are a positive force, benefiting work-

ers, consumers, shareholders, and the

economy. “To not provide a modest

elaboration of those benefits—to at

least be open to the idea that regula-

tory action, if not tailored well, could

undermine what have been, and con-

tinue to be, enormous societal benefits

in the United States—seems to us to be

risky,” he writes.

Two, he contends that the antitech

crowd fails to concede that the primary

driver for these companies has been

innovation and execution, not cheating

and bullying rivals and partners. “The

report’s consistent assertion that anti-

competitive practices have been the

primary source of growth and market flat-out wrong,” he writes.

Mahaney makes the obvious point

that the hearing wasn’t about, say,

Yahoo, AOL, andeBay(EBAY), “three

companies that were dominant inter-

net franchises during their heydays

and could well have been the domi-

nant franchises of today...Amazon and

Google simply out-innovated, out-exe-

cuted, and out-competed [them].”

And third, he denies that the tech

giants have left no room for innovative

rivals. In e-commerce,Shopify


(CHWY), andWayfair(W) are gener-

ating huge growth, despite ongoing

growth at Amazon. In social media,

TikTok has surged to more than 100

million users in the U.S. alone, luring

young users from Facebook’s Insta-

gram. Search is a tougher case, but

Mahaney wonders if Google remains

dominant because no one has pro-

duced a better search engine. Microsoft

is bigger than Google on almost every

metric, and yet Bing is a distant No. 2.

In March, with the market in col-

lapse, I wrote that investors should buy

all five tech megacaps. (Adding Micro-

soft to the mix.) Hope you did. Despite

the regulatory scrutiny, I still believe

the five are going to exit the pandemic

stronger than ever, with years of robust

growth to come, no matter the noise

coming from Congress, the White

House and the courthouse.B

By Eric Savitz


The most obvious conclusion is that Wall

Street thinks this is a series of chest-thumping

show trials unlikely to result in actual enforce-

ment. The Google case is likely to take years to

play out, at which time Google and its tech

pals will likely be more powerful than today.

Google CEO

Sundar Pichai


















































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