Barron's - USA (2020-10-26)

(Antfer) #1

30 BARRON’S October 26, 2020


Technology is an important part of every

sector, and is blurring the lines between

and among sectors.

Student of



An Interview With Cathie Wood

Founder, ARK Investments


RK Investment Managementhas been in

the spotlight since it was founded in 2014.

The firm is solely focused on disruptive in-

novation—and founder Cathie Wood, a

trained economist, is famously bullish on

Tesla and Bitcoin, two frequently conten-

tious investments. ARK’s optimism about

both has given the firm a stellar track record.

How stellar? The company’s five actively managed

exchange-traded funds have returned 92% year to date

on average, and the four that have five-year records have

returned an annualized 37% in that time, beating the

broad market and most actively managed competitors.

Today, the firm manages $30 billion in assets, including

$15 billion in ETFs.

Barron’sinterviewed Wood in early August of last

year, when unemployment was at historic lows and the

stock market was on a tear. Now, as the Covid-19 pan-

demic has disrupted many aspects of our lives and pos-

sibly ushered in permanent social and economic

changes, Wood chatted withBarron’sagain—about inno-

vation and destruction in a post-Covid world, a new

golden age for health care, her favorite stocks for the

digital workspace,Tesla(ticker: TSLA),Nikola

(NKLA), and more. Our conversation has been edited

and condensed for clarity.

Barron’s:You’re a student of disruption. What does

Covid mean for the global economy?

Cathie Wood:Covid-19 is accelerating all the disruptive

innovations. Many companies that serve the digital work-

place say they didn’t expect this many customers for at least

three to five years. There’s been a rush into the new world.

The other side of disruptive innovation is creative destruc-

tion. Many companies are being disintermediated by these

new platforms—not surprisingly, in financials, energy, and

industrials tied to the internal combustion engine. There

are a lot of companies in harm’s way.


October 26, 2020 BARRON’S 31

Health care will see the convergence of

DNA sequencing, artificial intelligence,

and CRISPR gene editing.

You describe innovation as a sub-

asset class, similar to emerging

markets in the 1980s. How is inno-

vation as an investment style dif-

ferent from growth investing?

Innovation is early-stage growth, and

it is typically exponential growth.

Companies developing these plat-

forms can generate revenue growth of

more than 20% [annually] for years

and years. Most growth companies

have a decay rate, which means the

bigger a company gets, the harder it is

to grow. Exponential growth often

includes network effects and virality,

which means the more people joining

the network, the more valuable it be-

comes, and the faster it grows.

ARK runs concentratedportfolios,

typically with fewer than 50 stocks.

How do you choose?

Our ideas start with our research, not

any index. For example, we take a

blank sheet of paper and just say,

“What is an autonomous vehicle?

What’s the right way to build one?

What are the critical variables?” We

inevitably run into the companies that

not only have good answers, but are

leading the charge.

It’s not like we don’t make mistakes.

In the early days, we thought Lidar [a

technology that measures distance for

autonomous vehicles] was going to be-

come a really important part of the au-

tonomous taxi network. That wasn’t

correct. But we probably are pushing the

envelope further and faster than most

people, and we have a much longer time

horizon, at least seven years. That’s the

biggest secret to our strategy—the will-

ingness to step in when others are sell-

ing a stock for very short-term reasons.

We get great opportunities like that.

What areas of the market are you

most intrigued by these days?

The most inefficiently priced and un-

derappreciated part of the market is

genomics, and the most misunder-

stood is health care. Health care is the

largest part of our portfolio—it’s about

37% of the flagshipARK Innovation

[ARKK]. Technology is an important

part of every sector, and is blurring

the lines between and among sectors.

Health care [will see] the convergence

of DNA sequencing, artificial intelli-

gence, and CRISPR gene editing—all

new technologies that have fallen

enough in cost and price and are

ready for prime time now.

We learned from the coronavirus

that there were weak links in the sup-

ply chain in terms of tests and vac-

cines. But what we have this year—

very unusual—is cover for the health-

care space. No one in Congress wants

to vote against budgets to help get us

all back to work.

We think we’re headed into another

golden age for health care. Genentech

launched the biotech revolution in the

’80s, and we had 20 years of rising

returns on investments in health care.

They became super stocks. That’s

about to happen again.

Does ARK own any companies

working on a Covid-19 vaccine?

We own various parts of the ecosys-

tem leading up to the vaccine.Mod-

erna[MRNA] gets all the headlines,

but there’s room for many. In the

ARK Genomic Revolution[ARKG]

portfolio, we own a vaccine company

calledArcturus Therapeutics

[ARCT] that uses the self-replicating

MRNA. That means when you get the

vaccine, you don’t have to go for a

booster shot like you do with Mod-

erna’s vaccine. The other one isInovio

Pharmaceuticals[INO], a DNA vac-

cine manufacturer. In the flagship port-

folio we have DNA sequencerIllumina

[ILMN] and synthetic biology com-

panyTwist Bioscience[TWST]. Illu-

mina was able to read the genomic

profile of the Covid-19, and Twist was

able to write the instructions and send

them to the testing companies so they

could develop tests.

What companies have you added to

the portfolio this year?

When stocks were really beaten up, we

bought some companies whose previ-

ous valuations were just too high for

us. Telehealth is a very big idea;Tela-

doc Health[TDOC] just made a ter-

rific acquisition.DocuSign[DOCU] is

another Covid-inspired name. We

knew security would rise as an impor-

tant issue, more so now as people are

working away from their offices, so we

boughtCrowdStrike[CRWD] and

Zscaler[ZS]. Another company per-

fect for the digital workplace isPager-

Duty[PD]. It offers over-the-air soft-

ware updates before companies even

know they have a problem with their

networks. PagerDuty partners with

Zoom, Amazon Web Services, and These enterprises are

going to encourage others to buy the

service as well. [CrowdStrike, Zscaler,

DocuSign, and PagerDuty have all

gone public in the past two years.]

You’re famous for being a Tesla

bull. What do you like now?

We believe Tesla is going to launch a

ride-hailing network to compete

againstUber[UBER] andLyft

[LYFT]. If it does that successfully, it

will be able to provide drivers with

cars. The total cost of ownership and

operating will be about one-third less

than a Toyota Camry. It’s going to be a

win-win situation—drivers can pay

$5,000 down and work the rest of the

car off by driving it, while Tesla gets

the data that the driver delivers every

day for its artificial intelligence en-

gine. When the world goes autono-

mous—unlike drivers who were work-

ing for Uber and Lyft who will be left

out of the party—Tesla’s ride-hailing

network of drivers will own an auton-

omous car that will work for them.

They will be entrepreneurs.

If Tesla pulls this off, it will be so

much more profitable than just build-

ing cars. Electric-vehicle margins are

in the 20s [percent range]; ride-hail-

ing is probably in the 40s; and soft-

ware-as-a-service and autonomous

vehicles will be in the 80s. This is a

margin structure that most auto ana-

lysts have never seen.

A lot of people have compared

Nikola, which makes trucks pow-

ered by hydrogen fuel cells, to

Tesla, which uses electric batter-

ies. Do you see the parallel?

No. More importantly, Nikola was

comparing itself to Tesla, so we did

take a close look. We started doing

research on hydrogen fuel cells in

  1. We learned that it is 33% more

expensive for a trucker to operate a

hydrogen fuel-cell truck over a seven-

year period. And the infrastructure

for a hydrogen-fuel ecosystem costs

five to 10 times more than electric in-

frastructures. The most important

difference is: I charge my Tesla at

home; you’ll not be able to do that with

a hydrogen fuel-cell car. So frankly, it’s

an uneconomic idea. Toyota has not

had success with its hydrogen fuel-cell

car. I don’t know why we should be-

lieve it will be successful for trucks.

You wrote to Elon Musk in 2018 to

dissuade him from taking the com-

pany private. Is there a risk that

great innovative companies could

remain privately held for longer?

Companies that are staying private for

so long are spending too much time

getting ready for their liquidity event,

prettying things up—and they’re los-

ing strategic focus. Good cases in

point are Uber and Lyft. By all rights,

they should have the autonomous-taxi

network opportunity; they should be

in the pole position. But they’re no-

where [close to that]. In fact, their

stocks have been cut almost in half

since the IPO—even before the coro-

navirus. If they had started outfitting

the cars of their drivers, they could

have much more data today than

Tesla. The name of the game in the

autonomous world is, who is going to

have the most real-world driving data

and the highest quality data, along

with the best AI expertise. They don’t,

because they weren’t thinking about

this, but they should have been.

What else do you like?

If we’re going to bring supply chains

closer to home, 3D printing. Even

though it’s had a very slow start and is

exclusive to the aerospace area, adop-

tion will accelerate because it’s so

much cheaper and faster, and you can

manufacture very close to the end

consumer. Another area is industrial

robots. Collaborative robots, in partic-

ular, are covered with sensors, so they

can work alongside human beings.

That’s especially relevant now that

human beings are going to have to

socially distance a bit more.

Adrienne Grunwald Thanks, Cathie.B

These new technologies have fallen

enough in cost and price and are

ready for prime time now.

“We believe Tesla is going to launch a ride-hailing

network to compete against Uber and Lyft.”—Cathie Wood

Pouncing on


ARK’s five

actively man-

aged ETFs have

an average


return of


with help from

big bets on Covid-

inspired stocks

like Teladoc.

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