Barron's - USA (2020-10-26)

(Antfer) #1

34 BARRON’S October 26, 2020


Investments in three areas—masks, digital health,

and tools that enable physical distancing—could

help with Covid-19 and future epidemics.

America Needs an

Operation Warp

Speed for Masks, Too


harmaceuticals have a

major weakness in the

fight against emerging

infectious diseases:

They are slow to make

it through the innova-

tion pipeline. Vaccines

and therapeutics may save lives even-

tually, but for now America needs

other defenses against Covid-19.

Our best option is the collection of

tools we have relied on since the pan-

demic started, collectively known as

nonpharmaceutical interventions, or

NPIs. This catchall category includes

everything that isn’t a vaccine or

therapeutic, such as masks and dis-

tancing strategies. Unlike with phar-

maceuticals, the U.S. government

hasn’t adopted a strategic approach

to assessing the technology needs for

NPIs; innovation funding has been

scattershot and relatively paltry. This

is a missed opportunity, because

NPIs are our most potent weapons

right now.

Nonpharmaceutical doesn’t

mean nontechnological. Investments

in three areas—masks, digital health,

and tools that enable physical

distancing—could help with

Covid-19 and future epidemics.

Start with masks. When fitted

properly, studies show that the N95

respirator mask captures 95% of air-

borne particles, including potentially

dangerous viruses and bacteria, and

provides significant protection to the

wearer. But limited supply has kept it

chiefly reserved for use by the health-

care workforce. Cloth masks made

with layered materials are widely

available. But while they provide

robust protection to others, they offer

only modest self-protection for the


Imagine a mask with N95 protec-

tive capacity that could be sterilized

and reused. That would be a game

changer. If such masks were widely

adopted and combined with other

precautions, Americans could return

to many indoor activities at greatly

reduced risk. Researchers at the Mas-

sachusetts Institute of Technology

and Brigham and Women’s Hospital

have already designed a mask of this

sort: It is made of silicone rubber,

includes one or two detachable N95

filters, and can be reused many

times. The U.S. government should

be funding a portfolio of research

investments in better masks like this,

just as it has for Covid-19 vaccine


Digital health tools can help with

the ultimate goal: for individuals not

to get sick. Artificial-intelligence-

powered symptom checkers can help

patients perform “self triage.” Wear-

ables, sensors, and other tools can

capture biometric information in real

time. Personalized genomic analysis

can be incorporated along with rapid

point-of-care diagnostics to quickly

identify potential infection. These

technologies can empower individu-

als in directing their own care, leav-

ing hospitals and clinics available for

those most in need of medical inter-

ventions and in-person monitoring.

Such digital health inputs also can be

useful in monitoring the health of

eventual vaccine recipients.

These tools will require an inte-

grated data infrastructure, along with

privacy and security assurances. A

fully integrated and deployed digital

backbone would give us a real-time

view into which communities are at

risk, and where decision makers

should send resources.

A constellation of technologies

also could improve physical distanc-

ing. Widespread shutdowns are a

blunt and costly instrument. To allow

for targeted physical distancing in-

stead, we would need disease detec-

tion and forecasting of local Covid-19

prevalence. We would need technol-

ogy for data fusion and analysis to

unify disparate inputs. And we

would need the means to present

these data to the general public.

Picture a Covid-19 disease fore-

casting app on your phone that you

could check before leaving the house,

much like a weather app. The app

could help you decide whether to go

into the office or work from home.

Perhaps you get a quick recommen-

dation on whether or not to fly for a

business trip or send your child to

school. With directed investments in

digital health capabilities, and the

data infrastructure needed to support

them, it is possible to envision the

use of these tools in the coming year

as we transition toward the availabil-

ity of a vaccine.

But remember that Covid-19 vac-

cines won’t be a magic bullet. We will

need these disease alerting functions

for the foreseeable future to manage

Covid-19, as well as the next emerg-

ing outbreak, which could be just

around the corner.

Operation Warp Speed has pro-

vided high-level strategy, an inte-

grated approach, and up to $18 bil-

lion in funding for Covid-19 vaccines

and therapeutics. There has been no

similar program for nonpharmaceuti-

cal interventions, and the result is a

landscape with small pockets of inno-

vative research and untapped oppor-

tunities. A U.S. government initiative

focused on supporting technological

innovation for Covid-19 NPIs would

help now and have a lasting return

on investment for future pandemics.

It need not be as large as Operation

Warp Speed.

A strategic approach accompanied

by even modest funding would reap

dividends. New vaccines and thera-

peutics offer the promise of protec-

tion in the future, but NPIs protect

us today.B

Joseph Buccina is a director at In-Q-Tel’s

B.Next, a strategic initiative focused on

biotechnology and national security. Dan

Hanfling is an emergency physician and

a vice president on the technical staff at


By Joseph Buccina

and Dan Hanfling

We’re pouring bil-

lions into pharma-

ceutical research.

Masks and other


interventions also

need support. Sam Panthaky/AFP/Getty Images

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