Barron's - USA (2020-10-26)

(Antfer) #1

October 26, 2020 BARRON’S 35


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2021 Will Be

A Challenge

For Investors

To the Editor:

Someone is clearly dramatically wrong (“U.S. Money

Managers Like the Outlook for Stocks, According to

Barron’s Poll,” Cover Story, Oct. 16).

On the one side, we have all of these institutional

investors who at current price levels are very bullish

on equities. That would imply that either they think

the market is priced about right and there is very little

risk of a substantial decline, or they accept that there is

a substantial risk of decline, but it is offset with a mate-

rial probability of a large percentage increase in stock

prices from the current 180% of gross-domestic-

product valuation level.

I say this because on the other side are purchasers

of options to protect against downside price moves

who seem to think that risk is so high that the VIX is

about twice the level of a calm, low-risk market. That

30 VIX would imply a 30% to 40% market upside

from here in the next six to 12 months to justify the

market risk that the VIX level implies.

There are no such thing as bad market prices; there

are only bad market prices relative to

the risk/reward ratio of the security

or investment.

Douglas Colkitt


To the Editor:

The major takeaway from this year’s

Big Money poll is that there is no

consensus. With continued lack of

certainty in the markets, investors’

best course of action is to focus on

items that they can control.

This “investor’s alpha” includes

focusing on taxes through proper

asset allocation, increasing one’s sav-

ings rate to compensate for poten-

tially lower future returns, minimiz-

ing unnecessary portfolio fees, and

instituting automation within the

investment process. These are all

methods to grow one’s wealth even if

the markets don’t cooperate. Imple-

menting these items is always recom-

mended but can be even more benefi-

cial in an uncertain world.

Jonathan I. Shenkman

West Hempstead, N.Y.

Vote for Infrastructure

To the Editor:

No matter who wins the presidential

election, infrastructure spending is

sure to surge next year (“Wall Street

Is Preparing for a Biden Victory,

Higher Taxes and All,” Up & Down

Wall Street, Oct. 16). Buy the stocks

that will benefit, such as Caterpillar,

steel, etc. Expect a rotation from high

price/earnings growth stocks (the

FANGs) into industrials and value.

But I do anticipate that the next few

weeks before the election could be

rocky, with a correction of at least


Albert Nyberg


Risks and Rewards

To the Editor:

Andrew Bary’s excellent article

(“Preferred Stocks’ Yields Are Drop-

ping. These 5 Are Still Worth Buy-

ing,” Oct. 16) reminds investors that

these “perpetual” securities are sensi-

tive to rising interest rates.

However, many of these shares with

higher yields tend to trade back at par

when an issuer’s five-year option to

redeem is exercisable. If an investor is

patient and purchases preferred shares

when prices drop below par, he or she

can better manage the risk of future

interest rate hikes. In this low rate

environment, the risk/reward of pre-

ferred stock is quite attractive for retir-

ees and other income investors looking

for higher yields without taking on

excessive credit risk. And the Federal

Reserve continues to signal that there

will be a long runway before interest

rates spike up again and significantly

impact share prices.

Niels Holch

Annapolis, Md.

EV Issues and Solutions

To the Editor:

Regarding “More EV Companies Are

Coming to Market. None of Them

Have Any Real Revenue” (Oct. 16),

there are currently four fundamental

issues with electric vehicles: 1) They

need more charging stations, 2)

Charging time should be less than

the time it takes to fill up a gas tank,

  1. One charge should drive 500-plus

miles, and 4) EVs and their battery-

replacement costs should go down.

Brian H.


To the Editor:

I was in Norway years ago, and in

Oslo there were charging stations

readily available. The Norwegian

government doesn’t tax EVs, so I saw

a lot of Teslas.

Bruce Finne


Arming America

To the Editor:

I’ve been in the firearms and ammu-

nition business for going on 47 years,

and I’ve never seen anything like this

(“It’s a Golden Era for Gun Sales.

Here’s How to Play It,” The Striking

Price, Oct. 16).

Our want book is exploding with

people on waiting list for about every

gun we get in. The guns are sold be-

fore we can even display them. Smith

& Wesson Brands’ guns and ammo

are so red-hot that the distributors

don’t even call us to see if we want

them; they just send them.

The manufacturers have also come

out with EZ models, and women are

going nuts over the fact they can now

easily pull back the slides on their

semiautomatics, which has been a

huge hit.

Dennis Salem


Chasing Yield

To the Editor:

Taking a flyer on risky debt is not like

taking a flyer on risky stocks (“Try

Emerging Market Debt for Attractive

Yields,” Income, Oct. 15). Make a mis-

take on a stock for $10,000 and you

may be down 10% or 20% before you

head for the hills. Make a mistake on a

risky bond for that same $10,000 and

the bond defaults, then you’ve risked

$10,000 for a couple of hundred extra

dollars in income. The old saying

“never chase yield” always seems to

come back to haunt.

Peter Brooks


“The old saying ‘never chase yield’

always seems to come back to haunt.”

Peter Brooks, On

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