Barron's - USA (2020-10-26)

(Antfer) #1

M6 BARRON’S October 26, 2020

fuels point to a slow economic recovery.

Diesel prices have been generally higher

than gasoline for the “better part of the

last two decades,” De Haan says, in part

because a barrel of crude oil typically

yields far less diesel than gasoline.

However, in “quite a rare feat,” diesel

prices have, in some cases, fallen under

gasoline. That hasn’t happened since ultra-

clean diesel was first mandated in 2007

and became more expensive to refine as a

result, he says.

At the wholesale level, where refiners

sell to retailers, gasoline prices have been

higher than diesel. Wholesale prices in

July for gasoline were running at $1.38 a

gallon, while diesel for on-highway use

was at $1.254, according to the EIA’s lat-

est figures.

At the retail level, however, the aver-

age gasoline price was at $2.15 as of the

week ended Oct. 19, below the $2.388

price for diesel.

Retail prices recently saw around a

20-cent difference, the lowest monthly

average since September 2017, according

to Cinquegrana.

The narrow price difference has a lot

to do with high U.S. diesel inventories, so

he believes it’s “more about hefty sup-

plies than a ‘yay or nay’ vote on the

health of the economy.”

It’s also difficult to figure out whether

price changes in diesel are due to economic

growth, to “changes in jet fuel demand, or

demand for heating oil, the latter of which

can be influenced by winter weather,” says

Richard Joswick, head of oil pricing ana-

lytics at S&P Global Platts.

“Gasoline demand is slowly recover-

ing, as is diesel, with the economy,” says


Still, the current relative weakness in

diesel is primarily due to the loss of de-

mand for jet fuel, and demand for that is

“likely to lag as both business travel and

leisure travel will probably be slower to

recover than other parts of the economy,”

he says.B


Diesel Market Points to

Weakness in Economy


he diesel market serves as a

barometer for the state of the

economy because the fuel is

widely used in the transporta-

tion industry. Right now the signals diesel

is giving off in terms of supply, demand,

and prices don’t point to a very promising


“It’s the best fuel to see how the econ-

omy is recovering” since it’s a “fuel of in-

dustry,” says Patrick De Haan, head of

petroleum analysis at GasBuddy.

At the supply level, “diesel is far more

bleak than gasoline to a refiner,” he says.

U.S. gasoline inventories are under their

year-ago level, “thanks to strong discipline

by refiners,” but supplies of distillates,

which include diesel and jet fuel, are run-

ning “some 30% above year-ago levels.”

That’s “representative of a slowdown in

the economy and, certainly, air travel,”

says De Haan.

For the four-week period ended Oct. 16,

jet fuel product supplied, a measure of

demand, was down nearly 46% compared

with the same period a year ago, according

to the U.S. Energy Information Adminis-

tration. Given the weak demand, many

refineries have favored production of die-

sel over jet fuel.

Diesel demand has taken a hit on re-

duced economic activity, with fewer trucks

on the road and “thousands of school

buses [that] aren’t running,” says De

Haan. “Right now, diesel demand is

weaker and hasn’t seen the return gasoline

has, and that bodes poorly for the situation

going forward.”

Still, there have been signs of improving

demand, with diesel consumption starting

to move toward the four-week average,

“potentially indicating that the worst is in

the rearview mirror for the economy,” says

Denton Cinquegrana, chief oil analyst at

the Oil Price Information Service by IHS


Meanwhile, prices between the two

By Myra P. Saefong


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