Barron's - USA (2020-10-26)

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M12 BARRON’S October 26, 2020

Market View

Inflated Tech-Sector P/Es

Morning Briefing

Yardeni Research

Oct. 22:The S&P 500 Information Technol-

ogy sector is expected to have revenue

growth of 3.5% this year and 8% in 2021.

That’s expected to lead to solid earnings

growth of 4.2% in 2020 and 13.6% in 2021.

Analysts’ net earnings revisions have been

positive in October (12.6%), September

(15.1%), and August (9.4%).

The sector’s forward price/earnings ratio,

at 27, is high but not outrageous. It has risen

since the 2008 recession, when the sector’s

forward P/E hit a low of 9.9 in November

  1. However, it’s only roughly twice the

expected forward earnings-per-share growth

rate and far below the P/Es in the 40s during

the tech bubble.

More concerning are the increases in some

tech-related industries’ forward P/Es. The

Internet & Direct Marketing Retail industry,

which boasts as a member, has

a forward P/E of 67.6, up from 40.8 a year

ago. The Movies & Entertainment industry,

which contains Netflix, has a forward P/E of

56.4, more than double the 26.3 of a year ago.

Lastly, the Application Software industry has

a 49.8 forward P/E, up from 33.6 a year ago.


GM: Emerging Leader in EV

Ivan Feinseth Market View 360

Tigress Financial Partners

Oct. 21:Last nightGeneral Motors[GM]

debuted its revolutionary GMC Hummer EV

[electric vehicle] supertruck with the premier

model starting at $112,600, further emphasiz-

ing its drive to become a leading EV manufac-

turer. GM’s industry-leading Cotillion Drive

technology, together with its autonomous-

vehicle-technology development company

Cruise, will position GM as the leading global

automotive technology company. The Ultium

Drive development comes as part of GM’s

commitment to investing $20 billion on EV

development over the next five years and

plans to sell one million EVs per year by

  1. GM will commit $20 billion of additional

capital and significant engineering resources

for EV and autonomous-vehicle development.

GM has also raised close to $8 billion in out-

side investment for its Cruise autonomous-

vehicle-development technology division, most

recently valuing it at almost $19 billion, which

is about 40% of GM’s current total equity

market value of just over $46 billion....GM’s

ability to convert its massive manufacturing

infrastructure to develop and manufacture

EVs best positions it to be the industry leader

in EV and autonomous technology. I believe

significant upside exists for long-term inves-

tors and continue to recommend purchase. I

also believe that GM will reinstate its recently

suspended dividend by the end of this year.


Sunny Outlook for Housing Starts

Economic Update

Regions Financial

Oct. 20:September is typically a seasonally

weak month for residential construction,

with both permits and starts tending to

decline from August’s levels. While our fore-

cast anticipated declines in permits and

starts, we thought those declines would be

much smaller than is typical for September.

Instead, both permits and starts increased.

To show how atypical this is, there wasn’t a

single year over the 2000-19 period in which

unadjusted single-family permits rose in the

month of September.

This simply shows how much momentum

there is in new single-family construction.

With inventories of existing homes for sale

being so low for so long, the push to the

exurbs being greatly accelerated by the

effects of the pandemic, including changing

work arrangements, and notably low mort-

gage interest rates, the stars are aligned for

robust growth in demand for new single-

family construction. As of September, the

running 12-month total of not seasonally

adjusted single-family starts, which we see

as the most reliable gauge of the underlying

trend rate of construction, stood at 929,400

units, the highest such total since March

  1. Even so, builders continue to fall fur-

ther behind growth in orders, with the num-

ber of single-family units permitted but not

yet started rising steadily over the past sev-

eral months and topping the 100,000-unit

mark in September. As such, builders will

be busy for some time to come. Still, we do

think it worth noting that, even with mort-

gage rates unlikely to stray very far, there

are threats to demand for single-family

homes, with affordability constraints and a

meaningful deterioration in labor-market

conditions the main potential threats.


China’s Bull Market

Cumberland Advisors Market Commentary

Cumberland Advisors

Oct. 19:The Chinese equity market has re-

covered strongly this year. The CSI 300 In-

dex, which covers the top 300 stocks traded

on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the

Shenzhen Stock Exchange, is up some 17%

this year. The S&P China BMI Index, which

covers the investible universe of publicly

traded companies domiciled in China but

legally available to foreign investors, is up

some 23%. In comparison, the S&P 500 in-

dex is up 10.3% year to date. The inflow of

global funds into the two mainland China

markets this year has topped $26 billion....

U.S. institutional investors have just

demonstrated their support for a continued

strong linkage between the U.S. and Chi-

nese financial markets by ordering more

than $27 billion in response to China’s first

bond offer made directly to U.S. buyers.

The bond offer was for $6 billion, and the

yield on the 10-year component was about

0.5 percentage points above the equivalent

U.S. Treasury. The huge China onshore

bond market is estimated as the second

largest globally. In contrast, the China off-

shore market is now small but has huge po-

tential, as the bond sale to U.S. investors

suggests. Participating in and helping to de-

velop these markets together with the Chi-

nese pensions and insurance markets will

become important for U.S. financial firms.


Small-Cap Earnings Momentum

Weekly Market Commentary

LPL Financial

Oct. 19:During recessions, smaller companies,

which generally tend to have weaker balance

sheets and more economically sensitive reve-

nue, are usually hit harder than their large-

cap brethren. That has certainly played out

this year, with the latest FactSet consensus

estimates calling for an 18% annual decline in

large-cap (S&P 500) earnings compared with

a 61% decline in small-cap (Russell 2000)

earnings. As stated previously, we suspect the

U.S. economy has already emerged from the

recession. While small-cap market returns are

typically strong coming off bear-market bot-

toms and out of recessions, strong earnings

growth usually follows. Case in point, for 2021

small-cap earnings are expected to rebound

sharply—potentially by 180%, based on the

latest FactSet estimates—to more than 10%

above 2019 levels. Simply put, greater eco-

nomic sensitivity provided by small-cap stocks

compared with large-cap stocks may be help-

ful when economic growth expectations go

from bad to less bad, and eventually to good.

Further, consider that small-cap earnings

momentum has been quite positive. Since

June 30, 2020, small-cap earnings estimates

for 2020 have been revised about 12 per-

centage points higher, more than the four to

five percentage points for large-caps. For

2021, earnings growth for small-caps has

been revised more than 30 percentage

points higher, while large-cap estimates

have increased by only two points.


To be considered for this section, material, with

the author’s name and address, should be sent

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”GM’s ability to convert its massive manufacturing infrastructure to develop and manufacture EVs best

positions it to be the industry leader in EV and autonomous technology.”—IVANFEINSETH,Tigress Financial Partners

This commentary was issued recently by money managers, research firms,

and market newsletter writers and has been edited by Barron’s.

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