Time - USA (2020-11-02)

(Antfer) #1


Photo: Yu Kaida

Redesign Capitalism to

Incorporate Social Value



Group CEO
Sompo Holdings, Inc.

We need a new capitalism that increases consumer demand
for goods and services that contribute to the SDGs, and
that rewards companies meeting that “good demand” with
economic returns. In addition, capital markets should factor
in forecasts for long-term profi ts generated by corporate
actions in line with ESG, even if those actions do not deliver
short-term returns.

Some signs of this are emerging, such as the impact of
ESG investment on corporate valuation. In this context,
companies should set key performance indicators and take
concrete actions to realize social value that can contribute
to future profi ts. SOMPO is working to develop roadmaps for
its businesses to generate greater economic value – and to
ensure they create social value.

In Japan, SOMPO has entered the nursing care business as
an investment in the future to help solve the social challenges
of a rapidly aging society. SOMPO is determined to reform
eldercare and nursing homes. Our goal is that through
technology and datadriven research we can design “nursing
care that makes our grandparents smile.” That, in turn, would
bring greater happiness to society as a whole, and reduce
the burden of nursing care on society.

SOMPO, with its mission of being a “theme park for security,
health and well-being,” aims to contribute to the happiness
of people, society and the planet.

The world was facing daunting challenges before
the COVID-19 crisis. Climate change, environmental
destruction, worsening inequality and widening disparities
are problems that some among us chose to downplay or

Those challenges can no longer be ignored. The COVID-
crisis has exposed and amplifi ed our problems – and in some
cases made them worse. As well, we have come to re-value
just how precious our families and personal relationships are.
We are beginning to realize that unless our societies are just,
fair and healthy then our individual security and wellbeing
are built on fragile foundations.

COVID-19 is a reckoning. While exacting a heavy price, it is
also presenting us with the chance to safeguard our futures.
We must make the most of this moment. Governments,
citizens and businesses must change their behaviors. We all
must prioritize how we can contribute to building sustainable

Capitalism has lifted countless people out of poverty.
However, with the expansions of digitalization and
globalization, capitalism has produced greater inequalities
and divisions. In its present form, capitalism is not truly
contributing to the well-being of humanity. We need to
reimagine capitalism, to incorporate social sustainability and
people’s well-being.

Capitalism is a socio-economic system designed to meet
the demands of people. To redesign this system, to create a
“new capitalism,” the following points should be considered:

Create a system that can generate “good demand” to
meet the various objectives of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) and captures that as
economic profi t.

Business should pursue the happiness of the whole
society in line with Environmental, Social and Corporate
Governance (ESG), and society should support those
businesses that do, hence resulting in greater future
profi ts and increased current corporate values

A New Capitalism

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