
(khaledjones020) #1

University of Sydney: Human Trafficking Criminal 104


The IELTS consortium willfully and persistently exploits its global market power to create fake
profit-maximizing services that it imposes on a vulnerable demographic. Moreover, it does so, on
a global scale, to extract maximum monopoly rents (i.e. revenue/profit).

Candidates such as ‘Fatima’ (on the previous page) are unable to pay a reduced fee to have a
minor service performed such as a clerical check or a remark of one sub-section of the IELTS exam
(e.g. writing part 1) or one language skill such as speaking. The fee payable to IELTS for an Enquiry
on Results is always equivalent to the cost of having a candidate’s reading, writing, listening and
speaking skills fully remarked. Figure 59 supports this claim.

Figure 59
IELTS Charge a Full Exam Remark to Check One Sub-section

Source: University College Dublin IELTS Test Center
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