
(khaledjones020) #1

University of Sydney: Human Trafficking Criminal 10

Table 1
IELTS Review: Findings
Allegation: Pedagogical content Fact /
Finding Section references
Assessments contain obvious errors. Fact Confirmed
Chapter 4.1; 4.
Appendix 2.

Assessment rubrics are secretive. Fact Confirmed
Assessment rubrics are subjective. Fact Confirmed
Assessment rubrics are vague. Opinion Agree
Assessment rubrics are confusing. Opinion Agree
Exam content lacks authenticity. Opinion Agree Appendix 2^
Western-centric hidden curriculum. Opinion Agree
Allegation: Business practices
Exam processes are not transparent. Fact Confirmed Chapter 4.
Test-takers must waiver their civil right to
litigate as a condition of registration.

Fact Confirmed Chapter 3.
May award scores of zero and cancel Test
Report Forms without refund if a test-
taker is merely suspected of cheating.

Chapter 4.^
Has regional monopoly English testing
status in 139 nations (Canadian migrants).

Fact Confirmed Chapter 1.10, 4.
Appeals process is not accessible to those
who cannot afford the fee.

Fact Confirmed Chapter 4.
Application form collects vast amounts of
irrelevant private demographic data.

Fact Confirmed Global systemic IELTS
examiner fraud is the core focus of this
report. IELTS
routinely issue fake marginal fail scores
for writing. Most of
this analysis occurs in Chapter 4 and
Communique 8, Appendix 2.

Examiners use demographic profiling.

Exam content deliberately sets many/most
test-takers up to fail to maximize profits.
IELTS’s covert dual purpose aims to
cull/slow migration to Canada/Australia.
Appeals process is a profiteering racket.
Appeals process is extortionate.
Expiry date of results is extortionate.
Poor customer service. Opinion Agree Chapter 4.
Has infiltrated/corrupted stakeholders. Opinion Agree Chapter 1.
Uses deceptive marketing propaganda. Opinion Agree Chapter 4.
Staff deliberately intimidate test-takers. Opinion Unconfirmed
Exam fraud targets non-white persons. Opinion Unconfirmed

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