
(khaledjones020) #1

University of Sydney: Human Trafficking Criminal 111

Figure 66
Canadian and Australian Governments: Human Trafficking Model
Act: Recruitment
Canadian and Australian Government use scam marketing to recruit international students
by offering permanent residency visas to eligible international students who study
and complete an eligible degree course (e.g. Nursing) in their countries.

Means: Fraud and Deception
Canadian and Australian Governments deceitfully impose mandatory language tests on
international student graduates who aim to earn a residency visa for either country.
Canadian and Australian Governments offer IELTS favorable legislative conditions
to manage their Governments' international student migration programs.
IELTS use examiner fraud to fail most international student graduates.
Canadian and Australian Governments offer IELTS immunity from prosecution because
IELTS successfully minimize the number of international students eligible for migration.

Purpose: Other types of exploitation
Australian and Canadian Governments target vulnerable citizens of developing
nations in Asia and the Middle East who aim to migrate to a developed country.
Both Governments deceitfully fleece billions of dollars in tuition fees and other revenues
(e.g. mandatory health insurance) from international students. Both Governments expel
most of these students from their countries via IELTS fraud after they have graduated.
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