
(khaledjones020) #1

University of Sydney: Human Trafficking Criminal 35


IELTS routinely pressure professional registration bodies to adopt IELTS as the sole English
language test for assessing foreign national registrants. Establishing a monopoly market enables
IELTS to repeatedly use profit-gouging examination fraud to fail foreign national professionals
who must sit an IELTS exam to gain professional registration status and a professional work visa.
This situation is most common in Canada where IDP Education and IELTS have established a deep
network of corrupt business partners, especially in the healthcare sector. IELTS offer monopoly
business partners various ‘inducements’ such as cash sponsorships for their conferences.

The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) is an example of a professional registration
body that has a serious case to answer in the public domain. International student graduates who
aim to register with AASW inform me that they repeatedly receive marginal fail scores for writing.
IELTS can detect their career and visa objective via their intrusive application form (see page 86).

I compare the monopoly policy of AASW to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2018).
This Board accepts Pearson, IELTS, TOEFL and the Occupational English Language Test (OET).

Nurses and midwives routinely communicate critical healthcare information in settings such as
the operating theatre and emergency department. Other Australian medical registration bodies
accept TOEFL, Pearson and OET as rigorous English language exams. IELTS’s monopoly business
partners such as the AASW can no longer rely on their hollow argument that IELTS is the only
‘rigorous’ English language test that can be trusted by the professional community.

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