
(khaledjones020) #1

University of Sydney: Human Trafficking Criminal 49

Figure 20
IELTS Application Form: Forced Waiver of Civil Rights

Source: IELTS (2017c, p 4)
Researcher’s observation:

IELTS have monopoly status to serve Canada-bound skilled migration applicants in 139 countries.
As a condition of registration, IELTS dictates that all registrants must waiver their civil right to
take legal action against IELTS. This policy is unconscionable as it takes advantage of the disparate
bargaining power that exists between one individual from a vulnerable demographic compared
to the mammoth global power enjoyed by a multibillion dollars business consortium.

IELTS use condensed italicized fine-print (shrunken) font footnote style text to diminish the clarity
of legal jargon that empowers its legal position to the maximum advantage. The use of condensed
fine-print exemption clauses at the end of contracts is widely regarded as a deceitful, unethical,
exploitative and unnecessary business practice nowadays.

3.2 Pedagogical content

All official IELTS pedagogical content is sourced from official IELTS exam preparation materials.
This includes commercial and open-access sources. In line with IELTS’s universally secretive

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