
(khaledjones020) #1

University of Sydney: Human Trafficking Criminal 63

IELTS’s hyper-secretive examination procedures blatantly violates notions of procedural fairness
and transparency that exists in Australia’s universities. The author of this report has been
continuously employed by four Australian universities and two degree-granting educational
institutions in Australia since 2007. It is common knowledge that Australia’s public universities
allow a student to review their exam content, in the presence of university staff, in cases where
they lodge a bona fide serious grievance with university management. Put differently, Australia’s
38 public universities offer their IELTS clients a duty of care and service that is much lower than
the standards that they offer local and international students at their universities.

IELTS’ secretive examination practices are driven by commercial considerations, such as those
shown in figure 28. These unfair practices do not align with notions of procedural fairness that
exist in educational settings in Western countries (e.g. Canada) and most other regions.

4.2 Marketing propaganda

IELTS routinely use misleading and deceitful text and imagery to promote the commercial sale of
their goods and services. The small sample of evidence that I explore for illustration purposes in
this section are indicative of IELTS’s global unethical marketing practices. The independent reader
may access official IELTS material via Google’s search engine (i.e. Google Images).

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