32 \ December 2018 \ http://www.phparch.com
Creating a Culture
The Dev Lead Trenches
communicate. Make it a cornerstone of
your team and company culture.
Allow and Encourage Specialization
I like to call myself a Jack of All
Trades, and I feel it is a strong suit
for me. All developers should try to
broaden their horizons; that does not
mean you should stop developers from
following their passions. You should
let developers grow and succeed in the
areas they feel, or you determine, are
their strengths.
Having someone as the “go-to” for
different areas of development can
strengthen those areas; if you have
someone interested in secure program-
ming, value and encourage their input
on code reviews. If someone has a
knack for designing APIs, let that be
one of his or her main focuses at work.
A developer who is passionate about
something is someone who wants to
learn and grow in a specific area.
Promote Ideas From Everyone
I’m a big fan of moving away from
siloing code or areas of development,
and one of the best things I think you
can do as a lead developer is soliciting
ideas for changes from everyone on the
team. Anyone should feel comfortable
enough to comment or offer sugges-
tions on any issue.
While I just extolled the virtues
of letting people specialize, there is
nothing wrong with offering help or
suggestions. There are many times
when someone not assigned to an issue
has spoken up during the development
phase of a feature, either in a meeting
or in the issue, and offered a valuable
counterpoint or a different viewpoint.
There is something to be said about
promoting good ideas, and it can be
easy for an overzealous junior devel-
oper to step instantly. These can be good
learning moments for junior develop-
ers as they start to see how developers
interact and come up with solutions.
It Is Okay to Be Wrong
Hopefully, one of the factors that go
into composing your team is finding
people who complement each other
and have been brought onto the team
for their talents in various areas. Every-
one should also feel safe in expressing
when he or she is wrong and under-
stand that criticisms are ways to grow
as a developer.
This is another crucial aspect of
culture that starts at the top, even above
you as a dev lead. When you make a
terrible decision, own up to it. When
a bug gets introduced, deal with it and
do not shy away from it. Point out the
mistake that was made, and work with
others to come up to a solution.
When someone on your team makes
a mistake, you can bring it to their
attention without making it a punish-
ment. Everyone makes mistakes and,
most of the time, they can easily be
corrected. Unless it is a chronic prob-
lem with an employee, offer suggestions
for a fix without shaming whomever to
Employee Feedback
It’s only fair that if I can criticize
someone, they have the ability to crit-
icize me. One of the most critical adult
skills one should learn and understand
is how to take constructive criticism.
If you decide to do this through peer
reviews, employee feedback surveys, or
some other means allow employees to
criticize those above them and afford
them a safe way to do so.
There is both good criticism and
bad criticism though. Pointing out
flaws just for the sake of it, doing it
publicly, or just generally being mean
is not criticism. Critique and feedback
are something that someone can take
action on and correct.
Talk With Your Team
Take some of the ideas I have given
you, and go back to your team. Discuss
what values you want to express on your
team. Write them down, and start to
hold each other accountable.
Reward and elevate those following
your team values. Show the company
you work for what values you want to
encourage. Foster the change you want
to see by doing it on your team. Just like
everything else, culture is a team effort.
Go Forth and Run Your Team
Over this last one-plus year, I have
written about a lot of different things. If
you are a developer lead, I hope I have
helped in at least a small way. Take
everything I have talked about, and
start to think about the culture you
want your team to have. Make some-
thing great, even if you feel you work in
a company where the culture might not
be the greatest.
Be the lead developer everyone wants
to work for.
Chris Tankersley is a husband, father, author, speaker,
podcast host, and PHP developer. He works for InQuest, a
network security company out of Washington, DC, but lives in
Northwest Ohio. Chris has worked with many different
frameworks and languages but spends most of his day working
in PHP and Python. He is the author of Docker for Developers
and works with companies and developers for integrating
containers into their workflows. @dragonmantank
Related Reading
- Community Corner: Finding the Perfect Development Job
by James Titcumb. September 2018.
https://www.phparch.com/magazine/2018-2/september/ - Building Software that Lasts by Susanne Moog. October 2017.
https://www.phparch.com/magazine/2017-2/october/ - Jumping Ship: A Holistic Approach to Chang-
ing Jobs,P art Two by Andrew Koebbe. September 2017.