36 \ December 2018 \ http://www.phparch.com
Adventures in Hashing
Security Corner
Hashing is a concept every devel-
oper will stumble across at some point
in their career. While the algorithms
involved require a lot of math educa-
tion to understand fully, when and
where and why to use them is knowl-
edge everyone should acquire. Hashing
helps provide safe, normalized keys
for CDNs, indexes, or caches. It also
provides security for passwords and
other sensitive information we must
store in a secure, non-reversible fashion
for future reference and comparison.
Learning why and when to hash is
straight-forward. Any senior developer
can point you in the right direction.
Learning how to use PHP’s native hash
functions is similar. Just reference the
PHP documentation^11 or similar guides
for the newer libsodium support.
11 the PHP documentation:
Learning how to implement a hash
function is beyond the scope of what
developers will typically have to do.
That being said, it’s usually a good use
of your time to have a functional under-
standing of what’s happening under the
hood. Set 7^12 of the aforementioned
12 Set 7: https://cryptopals.com/sets/7
Cryptopals challenges walks through
some of the less secure hashing algo-
rithms available. You can use this to
better understand what hashing does,
but remember to use native implemen-
tations in PHP in production.
Eric is a seasoned web developer experienced with multiple
languages and platforms. He’s been working with PHP for
more than a decade and focuses his time on helping developers
get started and learn new skills with their tech of choice. Eric
works as a Tekton for Tozny, a privacy and security-focused
startup in the Portland area. You can reach out to him directly
via Twitter: @EricMann
Related Reading
- Keep Your Passwords Hashed and Salted by Leszek Krupiński.
September 2015. https://www.phparch.com/magazine/2015-2/september/ - PHP, meet Libsodium by Eric Mann. December 2017.
https://www.phparch.com/magazine/2017-2/december/ - Cryptography Best Practices in PHP by Enrico Zimuel. May 2017.
OSMI Mental Health in Tech Survey
Take our 20 minute survey to give us
information about your mental health
experiences in the tech industry. At the
end of 2018, we’ll publish the results
under Creative Commons licensing.
Take the survey: https://osmihelp.org/research