Better Practice, Dec. 2018

(singke) #1 \ December 2018 \ 39

Producing Packages, Part Three

The Workshop

Handling a PR You Don’t Want
The pull request you don’t want is
always harder than ones you want. You
want to be respectful of the author for
taking the time to make changes to
your code. We want to always ensure
we understand where the author is
coming from so we can understand why
they think the change is needed. You
don’t have to become their best friend
but make sure you spend enough time
to wrap your head around what they
want to be able to do. If what they want
just doesn’t fit into your defined scope
merely let the user know. Remember
to be tactful and respectful with your
Closing the pull request without
merging is like a door slamming shut;
try to close the door as gently as you
can. No one enjoys rejection, but unfor-
tunately closing pull requests once
they’ve been determined they are no
longer needed is part of the job as an
open source maintainer. There can be
multiple reasons: the change wasn’t
wanted/needed, another author beat
them to the punch and solved the
issue in a better way, or something else.
Regardless, remember to have empathy
and respect when commenting on why
you’re closing the pull request without

Last Steps for Pull Requests
Once we’re happy with the changes,
we can hit the big merge button! Make
sure to thank the contributor for their
time! Now we have changes in our
master branch. They haven’t been
tagged in a release, so we need to tag a
new release.

Tagging New Releases

Tagging a new release communi-
cates to users what has changed from
one release to the next. In this context,
releases can also be called versions
which is another common way to refer-
ence a release. The de facto standard for
how we number our releases is to use
Semantic Versioning^5 where we have
a version separated with two decimals.
The decimals represent major, minor,

5 Semantic Versioning:

and patch versions in that order. So a
1.2.5 release indicates major version
1, minor version 2, and patch version

  1. This tells our users anyone currently
    running 1.2.x should be safe to upgrade
    without breaking anything. Users who
    are currently using 1.x.x can see the
    new release has a few minor changes
    they may need to review. If we have
    any users using 0.x.x then the 1.2.5 tells
    them there are breaking changes from
    their current version and likely need to
    update their application to support our
    new version.
    The guide I like to use when deter-
    mining what my next version number
    will be is somewhat straightforward
    but can still be subjective. I always
    choose to bump a minor version even
    if I’m not sure it’s justified. I bump the
    patch version if there are changes to
    files in the repository that don’t affect
    how my library functions, such as
    updating a README or another such file.
    This new 1.2.5 release does not break
    anything in 1.2.4 (or anything in 1.2).
    If we update logic somewhere in our
    library or change currently set behav-
    ior, I would bump the minor version to
    indicate there is a small change users
    of the library should investigate before
    upgrading. Never tag a minor release
    which has a backward compatible
    breaking change. Major versions are
    precisely what you want to bump when
    adding breaking changes.

Further simplifying the “what is our
new version going to be” question, we
can think about it in the context of our
library users. We’re tagging 1.2.5, but
if we have logic changes, we should
probably bump the minor version so
the release would be 1.3.0. If we added
features but didn’t change anything else,
we would also bump the minor version
to indicate there has been a meaning-
ful change to the functionality. Finally,
when we have huge changes, bump up
the minimum PHP version we support,
or break backward compatibility, we’ll
increment the major version to 2.0.0.
This allows us to correct past mistakes
while keeping the library in a usable
state for any of our existing users while
allowing them to understand how our
library’s version affects their applica-
Tagging releases is a critical aspect of
maintaining an open source library. It’s
our job to ensure our users have a stable,
tested version to use and they are clear
on changes based on our use of Seman-
tic Versioning in our releases.

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing
this three post series on producing
packages. I hope you have found it valu-
able and useful in your PHP libraries
and packages.

Joe Ferguson is a PHP developer and community organizer.
He is involved with many different technology related initia-
tives in Memphis including the Memphis PHP User group. He’s
been married to his extremely supportive and amazing wife
for a really long time and she turned him into a crazy cat man.
They live in the Memphis suburbs with their two cats.

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