Better Practice, Dec. 2018

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46 \ December 2018 \

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November Happenings

PHP Releases

PHP 7.3.0RC6:

PHP 7.2.12:

PHP 7.1.24:


PHP Security Advent Calendar 2018


The folks over at RIPSTech have posted the announcement
about the latest edition of their PHP Security Advent Calen-
dar. This is the third year they’ve done this and it’s always
interesting and fun to find out about some of the vulnerabili-
ties that can lie hidden in everyday PHP code.

Improvements to the Handling of .env Files for
all Symfony Versions
On the Symfony blog they’ve posted about a change in all
Symfony versions around how .env files are handled and what
prompted the change. The post outlines what changed exactly
including the removal of the .env.dist, allowing a .env.local
to override the settings and that the .env file is now pulled in
for testing.

The Ultimate BotMan Chatbot Debugging Guide

Christoph Rumpel, the lead developer on the BotMan PHP
chatbot project, has a new post to his site sharing an “ultimate
debugging guide” for those having issues with their use of the

PHP is dead...Viva le PHP!
Sergii Shanin shares his take on the “PHP is dead” conver-
sations and posts out there with the expected “Viva le PHP!”
(long live PHP!) following it. He shares two of the most
wide-spread myths about PHP—that it’s slow and that it can’t
scale—and dispels them.

Adding MySQL 8 Support to Laravel Homestead
In a new post to his site Joe Ferguson has included a screencast
showing how to add MySQL 8 support to Laravel Homestead
for your local development. In the video Joe walks through
the whole process including how Homestead is set up (via
Vagrant) and all of the configuration changes you’ll need to
make to get MySQL 8 support up and running.

Modern Cryptography in PHP 7.2 with Sodium
On the Zend blog there’s a new tutorial posted by Enrico
Zimuel covering the use of libsodium in PHP 7.2 to provide
stronger encryption for your data. The tutorial begins with an
outline of the Sodium encryption including the algorithms it
can use and how it helps to prevent side-channel attacks.

How to Get PHP 7.4 Typed Properties to Your
Code in Few Seconds
Tomas Votruba has a new post to his site showing you how
you can get typed properties in your code “in a few seconds”,
a feature coming in the next major version of the language,
PHP 7.4.

Global Application Settings
In a recent post to the Laravel News site, there’s a post showing
how to make use of a PHP package for storing and retrieving
global settings that are then store them locally on the filesys-
tem as a JSON-formatted document.
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