Encyclopedia of the Incas

(Bozica Vekic) #1
In  this    drawing by  Felipe  Guaman  Poma    de  Ayala,
Native troops storm a pucara, or fortress. Guaman
Poma de Ayala, Felipe. El primer nueva corónica
y buen gobierno. Edited by John V. Murra and
Rolena Adorno, 51/63. Mexico City: Siglo
Veintiuno, 1980 [1615].

An important functional distinction can be made between small outposts with
little internal architecture, and larger, architecturally complex, permanently
occupied installations. Small outposts are often found near a larger fort,
supporting and extending the geographic reach of its military functions,
providing extra vigilance and a base for flanking attacks. This “defense in depth”
strategy is superbly illustrated at the Pambamarca hill range northeast of Quito,
Ecuador, where several subsidiary watch posts bearing little sign of occupation

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