Encyclopedia of the Incas

(Bozica Vekic) #1

the second of which often referred to one of his characteristics. The sobriquet
Huayna Capac, for example, indicated that he was a young ruler.

A   watercolor  portrait    of  Manco   Capac   in  Martín  de
Murúa’s chronicle. Murúa, Martín de. Códice
Murúa—Historia y Genealogía de los Reyes Incas
del Perú (Códice Galvin). Madrid: Testimonio
Compañía Editorial, S. A., 2004 [1590–1598].

Yupanqui is another designation used by many, often in a composite title (see
table). The classic chroniclers defined it as remembered, honored, or immortal. A
simple linguistic analysis of the Quechua root and its derivatives suggests the
act of counting. The word Yupanqui itself can be glossed as accountant. Yupa,

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