Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

(Bozica Vekic) #1
552244 CChhrroonnoollooggyy

1534 Barbarossa captures

1535 Battle of Tunis

1536 French occupy
Savoy-Piedmont; Cartier
claims Canada for France

1540 Spaniards discover
California; Perugian Salt

1542 English defeat Scots
at Solway Moss

1544 English capture

1547 Battle of Mühlberg

1550 Peace of Boulogne
between England, France,
and Scotland

Secular Events Religion Rulers Sciences Arts and Literature

1533 Henry VIII of
1534 Ignatius Loyola
founds Jesuits; Henry VIII
supreme head of Church
in England; Paul III pope;
Anabaptists seize control
of Münster; first
Confession of Basle
1535 Ursuline Order
1536 Dissolution of
English monasteries
begins; first Helvetic
Confession; death of
Erasmus; Pilgrimage of
Grace; Calvin’s
Christianae religionis
institutio published

1541 Colloquy of
Regensburg; Calvin’s
Ecclesiastical Ordinances
at Geneva; Xavier begins
missionary journey to
1542 Roman Inquisition

1545 First session of the
Council of Trent
1546 Death of Luther

1548 Interim of
Augsburg; Ignatius
Loyola’s Ejercicios
espirituales published
1549 Zürich Agreement;
first Book of Common

1550 Julius III pope

1533 Catherine de’
Medici marries the future
Henry II of France

1542 Accession of infant
Mary, Queen of Scots

1544 William I the Silent
prince of Orange
1545 Pierluigi Farnese
created first duke of
1547 Edward VI king of
England (→1553); Henry
II king of France

1543 Vesalius’s De
humani corporis fabrica
and Copernicus’s De
revolutionibus published;
first botanic garden
founded (Pisa)
1544 Münster’s
Cosmographia universalis

1546 Fracastoro’s De
contagione published

1550 First volume of
Ramusio’s Delle

1532 Machiavelli’s II
Principe and the first
novel in Rabelais’s
Gargantua and
Pantagruel cycle

1536 Bibliotheca
Marciana, Venice, begun

1541 Michelangelo’s Last
Judgment in Sistine

1545 Cellini’s Perseus
and Medusa begun
1546 Lescot designs
Louvre, Paris

1550 First edition of
Vasari’s Vite published



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