Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

(Bozica Vekic) #1
552288 CChhrroonnoollooggyy

1611 War of Kalmar
between Denmark and

1617 War between
Sweden and Poland
1618 Defenestration of
1619 Execution of

1620 Battle of the White
Mountain, first major
engagement of Thirty
Years’ War

Secular Events Religion Rulers Sciences Arts and Literature

1611 Authorized Version
of the Bible in English

1618 Synod of Dort
1619 Capuchins
recognized as
independent order

1620 Pilgrim Fathers sail
for America

1611 Gustavus II
Adolphus king of Sweden
1612 Matthias becomes
emperor (→1619)
1613 Michael first
Romanov tsar of Russia
1617 Ferdinand of Styria
elected king of Bohemia
1619 Ferdinand of Styria
becomes emperor as
Ferdinand II (→1637)

1611 Maurolico’s
Photismi (on lenses)
published; Kepler invents
celestial telescope

1614 Napier’s book on
logarithms published

1619 Kepler’s
Harmonices mundi

1620 Bacon’s Novum
organum and Bürgi’s
work on logarithms

1611 Shakespeare’s last
play, The Tempest

1617 Duytsche
Academie founded


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