Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Aachen, Hans von 1, 196,
356, 498
Aaron, Pietro 332
Abano, Pietro d’ 34
Abarbanel, Isaac 1, 276
Abbate, Niccolò dell’ 1–2,
184, 361
Abbot, George 2
Abondio, Antonio 344
Abt, Willem den 267
Acarie, Barbe Jeanne 2
Acciaiuoli, Agnoli 3
Acciaiuoli, Donato 3, 73
Acciaiuoli, Niccolò 3
Acciaiuoli, Ranieri 3
Accolti, Benedetto 3
Accolti, Pietro 3
Acosta, Cristoval 65, 108
Acosta, José de 3, 512
Adami, Tobias 87
Adrian VI (pope) 3, 82,
234, 433
Adriano Fiorentino 4, 53,
Aelst, Pieter van 359
Aertsen, Pieter 4, 250, 452
Aeschylus 37, 467, 492
Afonso V (of Portugal) 1, 4,
8, 85, 217
Agostino di Duccio 4, 278,
369, 432, 461
Agostino Veneziano 4
Agricola, Georgius 4–5, 5,
248, 315, 319
Agricola, Johann 5
Agricola, Rudolf 5, 113,
234, 403

Agrippa von Nettesheim,
(Henry) Cornelius 5–6,
295–96, 336, 500, 503
Ailly, Pierre d’ 6
Alamanni, Luigi 6, 468
Alba, Fernando Alvarez de
Toledo, 3rd Duke of 6, 63,
157, 263, 302, 340, 473,
485, 503
Albert, Archbishop (of
Mainz) 252
Alberti, Antonio degli 343
Alberti, Leon Battista 6–7,
7, 15, 26, 72, 108, 129, 144,
155, 168–69, 174, 182,
190–91, 203, 218, 256, 297,
299, 308, 342, 355, 363,
368, 376, 384, 398, 420,
461, 496
Albertinelli, Mariotto 7, 17,
191, 388
Albert of Austria 7, 71, 75,
255, 374, 419, 485
Albert of Prussia 7–8
Albertus Magnus 319
Albizzi, Franceschino
degli 451
Albizzi, Rinaldo (degli) 3, 8,
88, 308
Albornoz, Egidio d’ 8
Albrecht III (of Bavaria) 366
Albrecht IV (of Bavaria) 452
Albrecht V (of Bavaria) 198,
Albucasis 372
Albuquerque, Afonso 8, 299
Alcalá (de Henares) 8, 177,

Alcalá Yáñez, Jerónimo 375
Alciati, Andrea 9, 160, 188,
500, 504
Alcuin 246
Aldegrever, Heinrich 9, 152,
Aldobrandini, Cardinal
Cinzio 301
Aldobrandini, Cardinal
Pietro 292
Aldrovandi, Ulisse 10, 64,
80, 510, 511
Aleandro, Girolamo 10,
222, 338, 506
Alemán, Mateo 10, 227–28,
Aleotti, Giovanni
Battista 361, 462
Alesius, Alexander 10, 229
Alessi, Galeazzo 10
Alexander V (pope) 380
Alexander VI (pope) 11,
62–63, 95, 161, 177, 264,
287, 375, 379, 381, 429,
Alfani, Gianni 451
Alfonso I (of Aragon) 63,
Alfonso I (of Naples) 2, 11,
25, 49, 56, 131, 177, 296,
335, 338, 344, 380, 387,
Alfonso II (of Naples) 11,
63, 177
Alfonso IX (of León) 424
Alfonso XI (of Castile and
León) 8
Algardi, Alessandri 137

Ali Pasha 276
Allen, William 12, 146, 161
Alleyn, Edward 12
Allori, Alessandro 12, 105
Allori, Cristofano 12
Almagro, Diego de 382
Almeida, António de 259
Almonacid, Sebastián
de 493
Altaemps, Duke 18
Altdorfer, Albrecht 12–13,
134, 162, 245, 298, 479
Altichiero 13, 451
Amadeo, Giovanni
Antonio 13, 414
Amadeus VII (of Savoy) 430
Amberger, Christoph 13, 49
Ambrose, St. 364
Amerbach, Johannes 13,
195, 364
Ames, William 13–14
Amman, Jobst 14
Ammanati, Bartolommeo 14,
120, 273, 298, 435, 494
Amsdorf, Nikolaus von 14
Amyot, Jacques 15, 469
Anacreon 50, 417
Andrea da Firenze 278
Andrea del Castagno 16–17,
42, 121, 144, 190, 355, 386,
Andrea del Sarto 17, 105,
191–92, 195, 288, 355, 376,
388, 418, 425, ❖I
Andreae, Jakob 114
Andreae, Johann
Valentin 318, 417
Andreini, Isabella 113


Although the alphabetical arrangement and copious cross-references in the main Ency-
clopedia text make it largely self-indexing, the following index of historical figures provides
an additional resource. Page numbers in slightly larger bold typeindicate main entries;
those in italicrefer to illustrations (including family trees) and their associated captions.
The symbol ❖, followed by a roman numeral, refers to the section of color plates at the cen-
ter of the book.


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