Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Cano, Juan Sebastian
del 88, 170, 295, 495
Cano, Melchior 88
Capella, Martianus 224, 278
Capponi, Gino 88
Capponi, Neri 88
Capponi, Niccolò di
Piero 89
Capponi, Piero 88–89
Capra, Giulio 418
Cara, Marchetta 196
Caradosso 344
Caraffa, Giampietro 463
Caravaggio, Michelangelo
Merisi da 46, 58, 89, 103,
159, 207, 238, 335, 411–12,
419, 429, 432
Cardano, Girolamo 12, 30,
37, 90, 90, 181, 458
Cariani, Giovanni Busi 90
Carlo Emanuele I 66, 90,
Carlstadt, Andreas 90, 155,
250, 283, 491
Caro, Annibale 91, 113
Carpaccio, Vittore 91, 251,
Carpi, Girolamo da 91
Carracci, Agostino 91–92,
Carracci, Annibale 4, 46, 60,
91–92, 148, 175, 220, 418,
Carracci, Lodovico 91, 92,
148, 185, 410, 432
Carrucci, Bartolommeo 388
Cartier, Jacques 92, 170
Cartwright, Thomas 397
Casaubon, Isaac 92–93,
238, 272, 364
Casimir IV (of Poland) 134,
Casiodoro de Reina 55
Casola, Pietro 377
Cassander, Georg 93, 364
Casserio, Giulio 16
Cassiodorus 157
Castellanus, Petrus 330
Castellio, Sebastian 56, 93
Castelvetro, Lodovico 91,
93, 126, 163, 495
Castiglione, Baldassare 51,
54, 93–94, 103, 106, 111,
124, 137, 168, 218, 240,
299, 318, 321, 399, 438,
446, 450, 462, 474, 493
Catanei, Vanozza 62, 63
Catena, Vincenzo di
Biagio 94
Catherine de’ Medici 42–43,
6, 76, 94, 103, 107, 110,
132, 138, 140, 187, 192,
234–35, 263, 278, 306, 309,
309, 410, 475
Catherine of Aragon 60, 82,
94, 107, 204, 235, 304, 324,
497, 505
Catherine of Bologna, St. 94
Catherine of Genoa, St.
Catherine of Siena, St. 95,
Cato the Elder 277, 492

Caus, Salomon de 95, 204,
234, 369
Cavalca, Domenico 343
Cavalcanti, Guido 95, 133,
144, 363, 451
Cavalieri, Tommaso de’ 316
Cavendish, George 57
Cavendish, Thomas 95,
135, 242
Cavendish, Sir William 166,
Caxton, William 33, 49,
61–62, 72, 95–96, 96, 103,
161, 286, 394, 468
Cecchi, Giovanni Maria 113,
Celeste, Sister Maria 201
Cellini, Benvenuto 37, 43,
96–97, 107, 117, 134, 180,
182, 184, 192, 212, 219,
276, 288, 298, 344, 365,
391, 435, 467
Celtis, Konrad 12, 41, 97,
243, 280, 339, 372, 380,
Cenci, Beatrice 97
Cennini, Cennino 148
Cereta, Laura 98–99, 155
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel
de 99, 140, 145–46, 254,
375, 400, 468
Cesalpino, Andrea 65, 99
Cesariano, Cesare 26, 496
Cesarini, Julian 99
Cesi, Federico 137
Champlain, Samuel de 100
Chancellor, Richard 100,
Chapelain, Jean 194
Chapman, George 100–01,
263, 302
Chapuys, Eustache 142
Charlemagne 33, 60, 101,
163, 194, 209, 396
Charles, Duke of
Alençon 302
Charles I (of England and
Scotland) 2, 6, 54, 122,
165, 207, 212, 245, 263,
Charles II (of Baden-
Durlach) 381
Charles II (of Naples) 414
Charles II (of Spain) 230
Charles III (of Lorraine) 480
Charles IV (Holy Roman
Emperor) 389
Charles V (of France) 94,
Charles V (Holy Roman
Emperor) 3, 6, 13, 33, 36,
53, 74, 81–82, 93, 101, 104,
107–08, 114, 120, 125, 142,
146, 152, 155, 157, 176–78,
180, 192–93, 203, 206, 210,
218, 221, 230, 234–35, 242,
247, 256, 262, 264, 276,
291, 301, 304, 308, 314,
318, 320, 326, 344, 348,
365–66, 373–74, 400, 408,
416, 420, 430, 432, 436,
438, 441, 450, 466, 472,

475, 482, 488, 490, 503,
Charles VI (of France) 348,
Charles VII (of France) 67,
190, 314, 346, 360, 447
Charles VIII (of France) 11,
33, 43, 88, 101–02, 132,
144, 256, 280, 287, 308,
335, 429, 483
Charles IX (of France) 41,
50, 94, 108, 110, 235, 306,
360, 410, 417
Charles Borromeo, St. 63,
66, 102, 212, 318, 373, 464
Charles of Lorraine 25
Charles of Valois 192
Charles the Bald (Holy
Roman Emperor) 194
Charles the Bold (of
Burgundy) 102, 193–94,
216–17, 230, 263
Charlotte d’Albret 62
Charlotte of Savoy 101
Charpentier, Jacques 403
Charron, Pierre 102
Chaucer, Geoffrey 34, 58,
95, 102–03, 103, 112, 139,
143, 161, 332, 350, 377,
390, 462, 468, 474
Cheke, Sir John 103
Cherler, Jean-Henri 48
Chevalier, Étienne 190
Chigi, Agostino 103–04,
176, 406
Choiseul, Abbé de 50
Christian II (of
Denmark) 227
Christian II (of Saxony) 232
Christian IV (of Denmark and
Norway) 68, 104, 181
Christian of Anhalt 502
Christina, Queen (of
Sweden) 485
Christina of Milan 247
Christine de Pisan 104
Christine of Lorraine 255
Christus, Petrus 22, 72,
104, 171, 315, 355
Chrysoloras, John 180
Chrysoloras, Manuel 37, 67,
73, 84, 104, 155, 222, 225,
424, 479
Chrysostom, St. John 205,
364, 429
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 67,
85, 104–05, 117, 124, 126,
134, 226, 246, 270, 279,
327, 336, 359, 364, 371,
399, 403, 411, 424, 453,
468, 492, 500
Ciconia, Johannes 32, 105,
Cieza de León, Pedro 105,
Cigoli, Lodovico Cardi
da 105
Cimabue 105, 214, 479
Cima da Conegliano,
Giovanni Battista 94,
Cino da Pistoia 451

Cinthio 106, 127, 163, 344,
363, 468
Civitali, Matteo 106
Claude Lorraine 386
Claver, Peter 402
Clavius, Christopher 106
Clemens (non Papa),
Jacobus 106–07, 331, 395
Clement V (pope) 38, 267
Clement VI (pope) 37–38
Clement VII (antipope) 38,
Clement VII (pope) 6, 89,
96, 106, 107, 212, 226, 272,
301, 309, 309–10, 400, 416,
423, 426, 483, ❖XIV
Clement VIII (pope) 45, 55,
97, 107, 185, 414, 458
Clement of Alexandria,
St. 492
Cleve, Joos van 364
Clitherow, Margaret 107,
Clouet, François 108
Clouet, Jean 108
Clovio, Giulio 71, 108
Clovis 194
Clusius, Carolus 64–65,
108, 144, 236, 323
Cobham, Sir Henry 147
Cochlaeus, Johannes 108
Cock, Hieronymus 71, 285
Codussi, Mauro 108–09,
286, 487
Coecke van Aelst, Pieter 71,
109, 116, 116, 184, 298
Coelho, Alonso
Sánchez 109, 325
Coelho, Gonzalo 490
Coeur, Jacques 447
Coiter, Volcher 511
Colantonio 22, 109
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 321
Colet, John 5, 109, 109–10,
166, 174, 179, 233, 281,
Coligny, Admiral Gaspard de
Châtillon 110, 151, 227,
276, 306
Colijn van Rijssele 100
Colines, Simon de 168
Collaltino di Collalto, Count
of Treviso 451
Colleoni, Bartolommeo 110,
115, 490
Colocci, Angelo 110
Colombe, Jean 110
Colombe, Ludovico 201
Colombe, Michel 110
Colombo, Matteo 348
Colón, Fernando 111
Colonia, Francisco de 110
Colonia, Juan de 110
Colonia, Simón de 110, 383
Colonna, Cardinal 371
Colonna, Francesco 110,
203, 249
Colonna, Vittoria 111, 316,
Columbus, Christopher 1, 6,
11, 111, 170, 177, 207, 370,
387, 467, 490
Columella, Lucius 492

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