Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Ducerceau, Jacques
Androuet 150, 204, 445
Ducerceau, Jean 150
Dufay, Guillaume 32, 56,
100, 150, 305, 325, 327,
416, 450, 464
Du Guillet, Pernette 150,
Duhamel du Monceau, H.-L.
Dunbar, William 257
Dunstable, John 56,
150–51, 305, 325–27
Duperron, Jacques
Davy 151
Du Plessis-Mornay,
Philippe 102, 151, 236,
Dupré, Guillaume 344
Durand de Villegagnon,
Nicolas 276
Dürer, Albrecht 9, 42, 44,
86, 125, 132, 148, 151–52,
152, 162, 171, 188, 194,
208, 217, 219, 268, 283,
288–89, 299, 311, 320, 323,
344–45, 349, 355–56, 364,
368, 379, 388, 394, 402,
432–33, 479, 498, 500, 502,
505–06, 506
Du Vair, Guillaume 153
Dyer, Sir Edward 28, 273
Dymoke, Sir Edward 225
East, Thomas 77, 175
Eberhardt, Count of
Württemberg 411
Eccard, Johannes 154–55
Eck, Johann 155, 273, 290,
Edward, the Black
Prince 286
Edward III (of England) 3,
43, 45
Edward IV (of England) 96
Edward VI (of England) 15,
90, 103, 126, 157, 223, 236,
267, 304, 407, 474, 476,
Egas, Enrique de 125, 157,
383, 442
Egmont, Lamoraal 157
Eleonora of Portugal 307
Eleonora of Toledo 119
Elia del Medigo 354
Elizabeth I (of England) 12,
33, 60, 82, 132, 136, 140,
147, 158–59, 168, 172–73,
192, 213, 223–24, 231, 235,
239, 260, 273, 302, 304,
343, 361–62, 382, 397,
402–03, 406, 429, 440, 445,
Elizabeth, Princess 95, 204,
Elizabeth of Valois 109, 372
Elizabeth of York 235, 467,
Elsheimer, Adam 159
Elyot, Sir Thomas 155,
Elzevir, Abraham 160
Elzevir, Bonaventura 160
Elzevir, Daniel 160

Elzevir, Izaak 160
Elzevir, Louis 160
Emanuel Philibert (of
Savoy) 90, 94, 430
Emser, Hieronymus 55, 160
Encina, Juan del 87,
160–61, 178, 492
Enderlein, Gaspar 70, 161
Engebrechtsz., Cornelis 289
Enzinas, Francisco de 55,
Epicuro 363
Epicurus 164, 289
Equicola, Mario 165, 377
Erasmus, Desiderius 3, 5,
10, 22, 40, 47, 55, 67, 85,
94, 105, 110, 113, 123, 144,
156, 163, 166, 172, 188,
193, 195, 215, 217, 222,
224, 233–34, 240, 246, 262,
270, 272, 280, 289, 291,
297, 300, 324, 338–39, 362,
364, 378, 380, 387, 389–90,
407, 411, 417, 431, 447,
468–69, 473, 475, 479–82,
492, 497
Ercilla y Zúñiga, Alonso
de 167
Ercker, Lazarus 315, 315
Ercole de’ Roberti 34, 58,
121, 167
Ercole di Giulio Cesare de’
Grandi 167
Ernest, Archduke of
Austria 498
Ernest of Styria and Carinthia,
Duke 193
Ernst of Schaumburg,
Count 498
Espinosa, Pedro 218
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl
of 82, 168, 231, 273, 403,
Este, Alberto V d’ 168
Este, Alfonso I d’ 29, 50, 63,
146, 168, 465, 502
Este, Alfonso II d’ 168, 179,
Este, Beatrice d’ 155, 168,
318, 438
Este, Borso d’ 168
Este, Cesare d’ 485
Este, Ercole I d’ 11, 60, 112,
139, 168, 179, 346, 365,
Este, Ercole II d’ 357, 410,
Este, Federico II d’ 165, 168
Este, Cardinal Ippolito
d’ 29, 502
Este, Cardinal Ippolito II
d’ 281, 327, 357, 492
Este, Isabella d’ 19, 121,
165, 168, 196, 203, 218–19,
252, 319, 377, 415
Este, Leonello d’ 51, 168,
225, 344, 362–63, 457
Este, Leonora d’ 210
Este, Lucrezia d’ 458
Este, Cardinal Luigi d’ 168,
301, 458
Este, Niccolò II d’ 168
Este, Niccolò III d’ 168

Este, Obizzo II d’ 168
Estienne, Antoine 169
Estienne, Charles 16, 112,
169, 204, 471
Estienne, Francis 169
Estienne, Henry I 168
Estienne, Henry II 93, 169
Estienne, Paul 169
Estienne, Robert 40,
168–69, 195, 203, 222, 394,
Estienne, Robert II 169
Estissac, Geoffroy d’ 401
Estius 169
Euclid 112, 136, 207–08,
354, 406
Eudoxus 96
Eugenius IV (pope) 18, 37,
47, 54, 57, 99, 111, 169,
178, 183, 208, 246, 341,
365, 381
Euripides 127, 300, 468–69,
Eusebius 417
Eustachio, Bartolommeo 169
Everaert, Cornelis 72, 100
Evno of Würzburg 315
Eworth, Hans 169–70
Eyck, Hubert van 171, 210,
Eyck, Jan van 22–23, 72, 87,
104, 109, 131, 135, 171,
210, 216, 219, 250, 325,
353, 355, 374, 501, ❖V
Eytzinger, Michael von 340
Faber, Johann 172
Fabri, Felix 377
Fabricius, Girolamo 172,
231–32, 511
Fabrizi, Cinthio 98
Fagius, Paul 233, 277
Fairfax, Edward 458
Falcão, Cristóvão 412
Falconetto, Giovanni
Maria 173
Falier, Marino 173
Falloppio, Gabriele 172,
173, 199, 354, 500
Fancelli, Domenico di
Alessandro 175
Fanshawe, Sir Richard 225,
Farel, Guillaume 84, 175,
206, 512
Farnaby, Giles 175
Farnese, Alessandro (Duke of
Parma) 91, 175, 210, 262,
302, 340, 354, 447, 485
Farnese, Cardinal
Alessandro 175, 466
Farnese, Cardinal
Odoardo 64, 91
Farnese, Ottavio 175, 302,
417, 466
Farnese, Pierluigi 91, 175,
361, 424
Farrant, Richard 176
Fauchet, Claude 176
Favre de Vaugelas,
Claude 194
Fedele, Cassandra 99, 155,
Federico of Naples 426

Federighi, Bishop
Benozzo 138
Feliciano, Felice 176
Felix V (antipope; Amadeus
VIII of Savoy) 47, 150,
169, 183, 430
Ferdinand, Archduke of
Styria 136
Ferdinand, Archduke of
Tyrol 80, 191
Ferdinand I (of Aragon) 11
Ferdinand I (of Castile) 389
Ferdinand I (Holy Roman
Emperor) 77, 101, 172,
176–77, 244, 304, 308,
319, 373, 451, 507
Ferdinand I (of Naples) 11,
25, 177, 335, 387
Ferdinand I (of
Portugal) 261
Ferdinand II (of Aragon; V of
Castile) 1, 4, 25, 25, 42,
85, 94–95, 101, 111, 176,
177–78, 220, 226, 230,
237, 256, 287, 299, 394,
441, 443–44, 447–48, 466,
483, 509, 512
Ferdinand II (Holy Roman
Emperor) 104, 226, 381,
Ferdinand II (of Naples) 11
Ferdinand I de Medici (of
Tuscany) 165, 255, 301,
Fermat, Pierre de 306
Fernández, Gregório 178,
Fernández, Lucas 178
Fernández de Lucena,
Vasco 178
Fernández de Navarrete,
Juan 167, 178, 373, 412
Fernel, Jean François 178,
Ferrabosco, Alfonso 178,
294, 502
Ferrabosco, Alfonso II 178
Ferrabosco, Domenico 178
Ferramola, Fioravante 324
Ferrari, Gaudenzio 179,
Ferrari, Ludovico 12
Ferreira, António 179
Ferrucci, Andrea 323
Festa, Costanzo 179, 274,
Feyerabend, Sigmund 14
Ficino, Marsilio 2, 52, 79,
158, 165, 179–80, 182,
237, 274, 296, 308, 336,
339, 350, 364, 375, 383–86,
396, 469
Filarete 180, 398
Filelfo, Francesco 180, 342,
381, 430, 438
Finiguerra, Maso 180
Fioravanti, Aristotele 180
Firenzuola, Agnolo 113,
181, 343
Fischart, Johann 181
Flecha, Mateo, the
Younger 181,^420

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