Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Fletcher, Giles, the Elder 98,
142, 182
Fletcher, Giles, the
Younger 182
Fletcher, John 49, 182
Fletcher, Phineas 182, 363
Florio, John 133, 136, 184,
Floris, Cornelis 184, 298,
359, 498
Floris, Frans 58, 184, 233,
285, 356, 389, 498
Flötner, Peter 184, 344
Fludd, Robert 184, 312,
Fondolo, Marchese
Gabrino 414
Fontana, Annibale 185
Fontana, Domenico 137,
185, 416, 485
Fontana, Lavinia 185
Fontana, Prospero 84, 185
Fonte, Moderata 185–86
Foppa, Cristoforo
Caradosso 344
Foppa, Vincenzo 187
Forment, Damián 187
Forster, Georg 188
Fortini, Pietro 344
Foscari, Francesco 189
Foscari, Jacopo 189
Foscarini, Ludovico 342
Foullon, Abel 454
Fouquet, Jean 189–90, 356
Fourment, Hélène 419
Foxe, John 34, 190, 229
Foxe, Bishop Richard 280
Fracastoro, Girolamo 127,
190, 190–91, 272, 310, 336,
382, 404, 495
Francavilla, Pietro 191
Francesco, Giovanni 18
Francesco da Carrara 371
Francesco d’Ambra 113
Francesco del Fiore 257
Francesco I de’ Medici (of
Tuscany) 12, 76, 80, 212,
302, 309
Francesco di Giorgio
Martini 26, 145, 191, 272,
339, 387, 441, 480
Francia, Francesco
Raibolini 34, 121, 168,
191, 402
Franciabigio, Francesco di
Cristofano 17, 191–92
Francis, Duke of
Alençon 23, 59, 192, 233,
235, 239, 440
Francis I (of France) 3, 6,
15, 17, 51, 58, 75, 88, 92,
96, 103, 107–08, 120, 122,
142, 146, 180, 184–85, 192,
193, 227, 234–35, 256,
274–75, 280, 288, 302–03,
322, 356, 365–66, 377, 389,
391, 418, 421, 437, 445,
457, 483
Francis II (of France) 62,
94, 235, 304
Francisco da Hollanda 39,
192, 217

Francis de Sales, St. 192,
258, 373
Francis of Assisi, St. 256
Francis Xavier, St. 192–93,
259, 379, 461
Franck, Sebastian 193
Francken, Ambrosius 498
Francken, Frans II 71
Franco, Veronica 193
Fraunce, Abraham 236, 412,
Frederick II (of Denmark) 68,
Frederick III (of Denmark) 80
Frederick III (Elector
Palatine) 357
Frederick III (Holy Roman
Emperor) 53, 193–94,
230, 234, 306–07, 341, 381,
Frederick V (Elector
Palatine) 95, 204, 245,
357, 502, 503
Frederick of Tyrol, Count 194
Frederick (III) the Wise 4,
44, 126, 194, 291, 311, 447
Freire, Isabel 203
Fréminet, Martin 185
Frescobaldi, Dino 451
Frescobaldi, Girolamo 195,
Frescobaldi, Lionardo 377
Frescobaldi, Matteo 451
Frisar, Ingram 302
Froben, Ambrosius 195
Froben, Hieronymus 195
Froben, Johann 4, 13, 40,
62, 166, 195, 220, 233, 240,
359, 364, 411
Froberger, Johann Jakob 195
Frobisher, Martin 196, 343
Froment, Nicolas 196, 398
Frueauf, Rueland, the
Elder 196
Frueauf, Rueland, the
Younger 134, 196
Fuchs, Leonhart 61, 65,
144, 196, 236, 475
Fugger, Anton 196, 454
Fugger, Hans 208
Fugger, Jakob 196
Fugger, Johann Jakob 196
Fugger, Octavian II 232
Fugger, Raimund 196
Fugger, Sigismund 196
Fugger, Ulrich 196, 356
Furetière, Antoine 194
Fust, Johann 227
Fux, Johann Joseph 357
Gabrieli, Andrea 198, 232,
294, 314, 326, 487, 502
Gabrieli, Giovanni 198
Gaddi, Agnolo 198, 287
Gaddi, Gaddo 198
Gaddi, Giovanni 198, 326,
Gaddi, Taddeo 198–99
Gaetano da Thiene, St. 463
Gaffurio, Franchino 24,
199, 330–31, 331
Gagliano, Marco da 199
Gainsborough, Thomas 419

Galen 16, 199, 200, 281,
Galilei, Vincenzo 45,
199–200, 200, 332
Galileo Galilei 2, 29, 35,
106–07, 118, 121, 182, 199,
200–01, 202, 231, 254, 317,
336, 354, 380, 414, 432,
460, 460
Gallego, Fernando 201
Galvão, Antonio 202
Gama, Vasco da 97, 141,
170, 202–03, 290, 299
Gamba, Marina 200
Gambara, Veronica 203
Garamond, Claude 9, 203
Garcia da Orta 65, 108
Garcia de Breza 79
Garcia de Resende 319
Garcia de Toreno 92
Garcilaso de la Vega (“El
Inca”) 203
Garcilaso de la Vega 32, 63,
179, 203, 238, 247, 289,
319, 441, 446
Gardano, Antonio 330, 487
Gardiner, Stephen 103, 204
Garnier, Robert 204–05,
Garofalo, Il 91, 205
Gascoigne, George 112, 127
Gatta, Bartolommeo
della 443
Gattamelata, Il 145, 164,
165, 205, 285, 354
Gauriento 257
Gazes, Theodore 205
Geertgen tot Sint Jans 325
Geiler, Johannes 503
Gelli, Giambattista 205
Geminus, Thomas 490
Gemma Frisius 34, 92,
205–06, 314, 338, 454
Gemmingen, Prince Bishop
Johann Konrad von 64
Genet, Elzéar 274
Genga, Girolamo 206, 354,
Gennadius 206, 385
Gentile de Fabriano 50,
207, 213, 257, 380, 426,
428, 465, 479, 497
Gentileschi, Artemisia 207
Gentileschi, Orazio 207
George of Podebrady 365
George of Trebizond 54,
208, 222, 395
Gerard, John 144, 208, 236,
Gerard of Cremona 395
Gerbert 30
Gerhaert van Leyden,
Nicolaus 208, 353, 434
Gerhard, Hubert 196, 208,
German Master, the 162
Gerson, Levi ben 39
Gesner, Konrad 48, 65, 80,
210, 319, 507, 510–11, 511
Gesualdo, Carlo 179, 210,
294, 335
Gheet, Jan de 330
Gherardo del Ciriago 300

Ghiberti, Lorenzo 6, 16, 19,
21, 52, 105, 134, 144, 180,
182, 210–11, 211, 220, 305,
308, 317, 380, 398–99, 434,
Ghini, Luca 99
Ghirlandaio, Domenico 23,
52, 211, 316, 369, 376, 418,
436, 443
Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo 375
Ghorry, Jacques 249
Giambologna 117, 149, 165,
191, 212, 298, 308, 359,
435, 498, ❖IV
Gianni, Lapo 451
Gibbons, Orlando 212
Giberti, Gian
Matteo 212–13
Gilbert, Sir Humfrey 196,
213, 343
Gilbert, William 70, 213,
289, 336, 403
Giocondo, Fra 26, 213, 424,
Giolito, Gabriele 213, 457
Giorgione 50, 62, 86, 90,
94, 106, 121, 146, 213, 287,
355, 359, 388, 415, 429,
433, 435, 438, 465, 486
Giotto (di Bondone) 13, 28,
105, 131, 149, 183, 190,
195, 198–99, 214, 287, 304,
316, 348, 354, 356, 380–81,
414, 434, 461, 472, 479,
Giovanetti, Matteo 38
Giovanni d’Alemagne 497
Giovanni Capistrano, St. 214
Giovanni da Maiano 230
Giovanni da Udine 214,
Giovanni della Banda
Nere 309, 438
Giovanni di Paolo 214
Giovio, Paolo 214–15, 252
Girolamo da Cremona 278
Girolamo da Fiesole 110
Giudeo, Gian Maria 274
Giuliano da Maiano 52, 215
Giulio Romano 4, 24, 87,
108, 121, 168, 195, 214,
215, 260, 298, 356, 375,
391, 402, 425, 459, 489
Giunti, Filippo 215
Giunti, Luca-Antonio 215
Glareanus, Henricus 215,
332, 403
Goes, Hugo van der 135,
216–17, 219, 265, 353,
355, 388, 479, ❖VI
Góis, Damião de 217
Golding, Arthur 54
Goltz, Hubert 80
Goltz, Jan II 217
Goltzius, Hendrick 119,
149, 217, 297–98, 356
Gomar, Francis 217
Gómara, Francisco López
de 341
Gombert, Nicolaus 331
Gonçalves, Nuño 4, 217

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