Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Lillo, Aloisio 83
Lily, William 281, 324
Linacre, Thomas 222, 281,
300, 324, 338, 386
Linnaeus, Carolus 65
Linschoten, Jan Huyghen
van 153, 170, 245, 281
Lippershey, Hans 460
Lippi, Filippino 34, 152,
281–82, 282, 304
Lippi, Filippo 66, 281, 282,
339, 368, 390, 423, 436,
Lipsius, Justus 282, 399,
456, 471
Lithgow, William 471
Livy 46, 53, 73, 127, 129,
239, 241, 284, 286, 302,
371, 473
Loans, Jacob 233, 411
L’Obel, Matthias de 208,
284, 323, 416
Locher, Jakob 469
Locke, John 243
Lodewycksz., Willem 153,
245, 284
Lodewyk van
Bodeghem 301
Lodge, Thomas 284, 363,
Lomazzo, Giovanni
Paolo 16, 185, 285
Lombard, Lambert 184, 285
Lombardo, Antonio 286
Lombardo, Aurelio 286
Lombardo, Lodovico 286
Lombardo, Martino 285
Lombardo, Pietro 285–86
Lombardo, Tullio 168, 286
Lope de Vega 286, 421
López de Ayala, Pedro 40,
286, 427
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio 131,
150, 286, 287, 441, 472
Lorenzetti, Pietro 131, 150,
286, 287–88, 441
Lorenzo Monaco 198, 287,
Lorenzo Veneziano 287
Lorichs, Melchior 116
Lothaire 194
Lotto, Lorenzo 179, 287,
324–25, 415, 429, 486
Louis II (of France) 194
Louis II (of Hungary and
Bohemia) 177, 304, 308,
319, 389
Louis XI (of France) 88,
101, 122, 190, 308, 346,
374, 447
Louis XII (of France) 47,
58, 62, 75, 85, 139, 192,
256, 264, 274, 280, 287,
293, 410, 438, 483
Louis XIII (of France) 43,
95, 132, 225, 302
Louis XIV (of France) 132,
334, 452
Louis (IV) the Bavarian (Holy
Roman Emperor) 226, 326
Louis de Brézé 140
Louise of Savoy 192
Louis of Anjou 19, 20

Louis of Orleans 58
Louis of Valois, Duke of
Orleans 496
Lüber, Thomas
(“Erastus”) 167
Lucan 302, 312
Lucas van Leyden 162, 217,
288, 288–89, 433
Lucasz, Jan 233
Lucero, Diego 448
Lucian 66, 163, 324, 399,
Lucretius Carus, Titus 67,
164, 289
Ludwig III (Elector
Palatine) 356
Ludwig V (Elector
Palatine) 356
Lufft, Hans 394
Luini, Bernardino 276, 289
Luis de León, Fray 289, 399
Luis of Granada 289–90
Luna, Álvaro de 117, 290,
312, 427
Luna, Pedro de 117
Lupset, Thomas 239
Luther, Martin 3, 5, 8, 10,
14, 22, 36, 38, 55–56,
74–75, 82, 84–85, 90,
107–08, 113–15, 123–26,
128, 130, 134, 155, 160,
162, 166, 188, 194–95, 209,
222, 229, 233, 236, 246,
248–250, 252–53, 253, 258,
262, 264, 270, 273–74, 284,
290–91, 292, 301, 311,
313, 318, 366–67, 372, 378,
391, 394, 406–08, 412, 422,
432, 447, 450, 470, 476,
491, 505–06, 512–13
Luzzaschi, Luzzasco 179,
195, 292, 294
Lydgate, John 474
Lyly, John 169, 222, 292,
Lyte, Henry 144
Maalouf, Amin 274
Mabbe, James 228
Machaut, Guillaume de 32,
100, 139, 293
Machiavelli, Niccolò 6, 62,
66, 98, 106–07, 113, 115,
182, 227, 239, 284,
293–94, 314, 350, 362,
387, 392–93, 399, 461, 499
Machuca, Pedro 294
Maderno, Carlo 424
Madrigal, Alfonso
de 294–95
Madruzzo, Cardinal
Cristoforo 301
Maecenas, Gaius 243, 295,
365, 440, 494
Maestlin, Michael 266, 295
Magellan, Ferdinand 88, 92,
295, 377
Maggi, Vincenzo 126
Maggiore, Giacomo 464
Maier, Michael 296
Malatesta, Pandolfo V 297
Malatesta, Roberto 297
Sigismondo 296–97, 344,

362, 376, 385, 414, 461,
Malatesta, Veruchio 297
Maldonado, Juan 297
Maldonado, Juan
(“Maldonatus”) 297
Maler, Wenzel 420
Malherbe, François de 127,
139, 153, 297, 408, 417,
Malipiero, Doge
Pasquale 285
Mallinckrodt, Bernard
von 252
Malory, Sir Thomas 32–33,
Malthus, Thomas 66
Malvezzi, Cristofano 367
Mander, Carel van 119, 217,
233, 250, 285, 288, 297,
Mandeville, Sir John 401
Mandijn, Jan 450
Manetti, Antonio 73, 138
Manetti, Gianozzo 233
Manfredi da Vercelli, Fra 18
Manrique, Jorge 87, 298
Manrique, Rodrigo 298
Mansart, François 27
Mansion, Colard 95
Mantegna, Andrea 1, 13, 19,
50, 57, 69, 86, 119, 121,
128, 151, 162, 168, 176,
218, 249, 298–99, 319–20,
353, 355–56, 368, 386, 388,
398, 423, 450, 475, 497,
Manuel I (of Portugal) 46,
81, 86, 299, 299, 492
Manuel II Palaeologus
(Emperor) 104
Manutius, Aldus 9–10, 51,
84, 128, 157–58, 200,
224–25, 249, 300–01, 336,
338, 394, 477, 487, 506
Manutius, Paolo 9, 301
Marcellinus, Ammianus 241
Marcello, Doge Niccolò 285
Marcellus II (pope) 239
Marchant, Guyot 133
Marco Polo 85, 170
Marcus Aurelius 164, 226
Marenzio, Luca 168, 255,
294, 301
Marescotto, Antonio 344
Margaret of Austria 63, 297,
301, 302, 311, 325, 349,
359, 488
Margaret of Brabant 381
Margaret of Burgundy 374
Margaret of Ghent 302
Margaret of Parma 70, 101,
221, 301–02, 340, 354, 417
Margaret of Savoy 223
Margaret of Valois 102, 235,
Marguerite de France 264
Marguerite de Navarre 70,
139, 158, 258, 273, 302,
303, 401
Marguerite of Savoy 322
Maria, Empress 492
Mariana, Juan de 239, 302

Maria of Castile 11
Maria of Hungary 181
Maria of Portugal 276, 372
Maria Palaeologo 218, 219
Marie de’ Medici 66, 187,
191, 207, 235, 302, 309,
309, 389, 419
Markham, Gervase 166
Mark of Ephesus 183
Marlowe, Christopher 12,
22, 101, 176, 293, 302–03,
335, 468, 480
Marmion, Simon 50, 394
Marnix, Philipp van, Lord of
Ste.-Aldegonde 303
Maro, Antonio 300
Marot, Clément 67, 144,
192, 238, 302, 303, 363,
395, 410, 416
Marot, Jean 303
Marsigli, Luigi 343
Marsiliers, Pierre de 312
Marston, John 263
Martial 365
Martin V (pope) 47, 52,
111, 115, 169, 248, 415
Martin, Jean 249
Martini, Simone 38, 131,
150, 303, 371, 414, 441,
Mary, Queen of Scots 74–75,
159, 173, 227, 231, 257,
267, 304, 321, 343
Mary I 33, 94, 126, 159,
190, 204, 223, 235, 281,
304, 325, 361–62, 372, 386,
397, 406–07, 474, 479
Mary of Burgundy 88, 194,
217, 230, 263, 280, 301,
307, 432
Mary of Guise 267
Mary of Hungary 149,
301–02, 304, 349, 465
Masaccio, Tommaso 6,
17–19, 144, 182, 195, 211,
214, 281–82, 304–05, 316,
353–56, 368, 376, 398, 484
Masha’allah 34
Maso di Bartolommeo 138
Masolino da Panicale 304,
305, 428, 497
Master E. S. 162, 306, 353
Master of Flémalle 87, 306
Master of the Banderoles 162
Master of the Housebook 162
Master of the Playing
Cards 162
Matteo di Bassi 89
Matteo di Giovanni 306,
Matthias (Holy Roman
Emperor) 48, 136, 420,
Matthias Corvinus 41, 180,
193, 279, 300, 306–07,
365, 408
Matthijs de Castelein 100
Matthysz., Jan 15
Mattioli, Pier Andrea 65,
236, 307
Maurice, Elector of
Saxony 273, 432

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