Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Siloe, Diego de 157, 335,
348, 442
Siloe, Gil de 442
Simon, Abraham 344
Simon, Thomas 344
Simons, Menno 15, 313,
Sixtus IV (pope) 138, 233,
252, 264, 277, 308, 321,
366, 369, 383, 443–44,
447, 466
Sixtus V (pope) 35, 55, 416,
444, 485
Skarga, Piotr 444
Sleidanus, Johannes 445
Sluter, Claus 141, 374, 434,
Smith, John 445
Smith, Sir Thomas 350, 445
Smythson, John 445
Smythson, Robert 231, 445
Snell, Rudolf 446
Snell, Willebrord 231, 347,
Socrates 383
Soderini, Piero 446
Sodoma 176, 441, 446
Solinus 511
Solis, Juan Díaz de 170
Solis, Virgil 14, 446, 496
Solomon, Joseph 233
Solon 251
Somerset, Edward Seymour,
Duke of 157
Somerset, Robert Carr, Earl
of 351
Soncino, Gershom 233
Sophocles 6, 18, 37, 300,
334, 458, 462, 467–68, 492
Sorel, Agnès 447
Sosigenes of Alexandria 82
Soto, Hernando de 447
Sourdeau, Denis 100
Sourdeau, Jacques 100
Southampton, Henry
Wriothesley, Earl of 439
Spagnoli, Giovan
Battista 168, 272, 363,
Spalatin, Georg 194, 447
Spanzotti, Giovanni
Martino 446
Speed, John 122, 242, 449
Spenser, Edmund 28, 33,
103, 127, 140, 162–63,
172–73, 182, 210, 223, 231,
236, 251, 273, 342, 350,
363, 397, 440, 446–47, 449
Sperandio, Savelli 344, 449
Speroni, Sperone 127, 449,
468, 489
Spiegel, Hendrick
Laurensz. 100, 449
Spies, Johann 176
Spinelli, Niccolò 344
Spranger, Bartholomäus 1,
58, 217, 297, 308, 420, 450,
Sprenger, Jakob 503–04
Squarcialupi, Antonio 450
Squarcione, Francesco 21,
187, 298, 450, 475, 512
Staben, Hendrik 255

Staden, Hans 402, 450
Stampa, Gaspara 450–51
Statius 333
Stefano da Verona 451–52
Stefano da Zevio 380
Stelluti, Francesco 317
Stevin, Simon 30, 208, 248,
Stiattesi, Pietro Antonio di
Vincenzo 207
Stifel, Michael 30
Stimmer, Tobias 451
Stone, Nicholas 267
Stoss, Veit 125, 345, 413,
434, 451
Strabo 10, 93
Strada, Jacopo 196, 344,
420, 451
Strada, Katharina 452
Stradling, Sir John 471
Straet, Jan van der 452, 461
Straparola, Gianfrancesco 344
Strigel, Bernhard(in) 452
Strigel, Victorinus 452
Striggio, Alessandro 182,
Striggio, Alessandro, the
Younger 452
Strozzi, Ercole 453
Strozzi, Filippo I 52, 453
Strozzi, Filippo II 453
Strozzi, Piero 484
Strozzi, Tito Vespasiano 453
Stuart, Lady Arabella 453
Stubbs, John 397
Stúñiga, Lope de 87
Sturm, Johannes 156, 452,
Sturmio, Hernando 323
Suarez, Francisco 453
Suàrez, Lope 8
Suetonius 241
Suffolk, Henry Grey, Duke
of 223
Suleiman (I) the Magnificent
(of Turkey) 77, 116, 267,
Sully, Maximilien de Béthune,
Duke of 235, 453–54
Sulpitius, Joannes 496
Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl
of 127, 446, 454, 475
Susenyos 354
Sustris, Frederik
Lambertsz. 268, 454, 504
Sustris, Lambert 454, 455
Swanenburgh, Isaac 485
Sweelinck, Jan Pietersz. 79,
195, 374, 433, 455
Sygognes, Charles de 52
Sylvester, Joshua 455
Sylvius, Jacobus 16
Szentes, Dorotta 48
Tacca, Pietro 165
Taccone, Baldassare 462
Tacitus, Cornelius 9, 97,
240, 243, 282, 284, 341,
Taddeo di Bartolo 214, 456
Tafur, Pero 456
Taillevent 186
Tallis, Thomas 77, 456–57,

Tansillo, Luigi 457
Tartaglia, Niccolò 12, 60,
90, 207, 457, 457–58
Tassi, Agostino 207, 207
Tasso, Bernardo 203, 458
Tasso, Torquato 3, 18, 114,
127, 163, 178, 203, 209–10,
225, 242, 299, 322, 349,
363, 425, 433, 446, 449,
451, 458, 468, 493
Tausen, Hans 458–59
Taverner, John 459
Taylor, Jeremy 406
Teive, Diogo de 179
Teixeira, Pedro 460
Telesio, Bernardino 460
Tempesta, Antonio 461
Tempo, Antonio da 446
Tendilla, Count of 177
Terence 111–13, 385, 461,
462, 479
Teresa of Ávila, St. 90–91,
124, 262, 370, 461–62
Tetzel, Johann 38, 252–53,
Theocritus 363, 387, 495
Theophrastus 64–65, 205,
351, 431
Theotokopouli, Jorge
Manuel 221
Thiry, Leonard 150, 185
Thomas à Kempis 49, 113,
Thorne, Robert 342
Thucydides 300, 469, 483
Tibaldi, Pellegrino 167, 373,
Tibullus, Albius 289
Tiepolo, Baiamonte 122
Tinctoris, Johannes 199,
327–328, 331, 464
Tintoretto 184, 193, 221,
298, 301, 356, 358–59, 415,
418, 423, 432, 455,
464–65, 486, 489, 497, 512
Tirso de Molina 129, 465
Titian 13, 24, 39, 45–47, 50,
62–63, 82, 90–91, 94, 101,
106, 109, 129, 146, 167–68,
178, 213, 218, 221, 287,
301, 304, 324, 332, 355–56,
358–59, 365–66, 373, 386,
388, 415, 418, 423, 429,
432, 435, 452, 455, 464,
465–66, 479, 486, 489, 497
Toledo, Juan Bautista
de 167, 238
Tolomei, Claudio 350, 466
Tomkins, Thomas 466
Tonquelin, André de 412
Topsell, Edward 466
Torelli, Barbara 453
Torkington, Sir Richard 377
Torquemada, Tomás de 117,
177, 254, 447–48, 466–67
Torres Naharro, Bartolomé
de 112, 467
Torrigiano, Pietro
d’Antonio 109, 308, 467,
Tory, Geoffrey 203, 224
Toscanelli, Paolo dal
Pozzo 170, 467

Touchet, Marie 108
Tournèbe, Adrien 112, 467
Tournefort, Joseph 65
Tournon, Cardinal 51, 416
Tradescant, John 80
Traversari, Ambrogio 364,
Trechsel, Jean 40
Tremellius, John 472
Tribolo, Niccolò 375, 473
Trissino, Giangiorgio 94,
127, 163, 168, 350, 357,
399, 468, 473–74, 492
Tristão da Cunha 8
Trithemius, Johann 129,
Bartolommeo 196
Tròn, Niccolò 414
Tudor, Edmund 474
Tudor, Owen 474
Tunstall, Cuthbert 280, 475
Tura, Cosimo 121, 167, 179,
450, 457, 475, 512
Turner, William 208, 236,
Twyne, Thomas 371
Tyard, Pontus de 385,
Tye, Christopher 476
Tyndale, William 55, 108,
233, 476
Uccello, Paolo 16, 165, 182,
308, 355, 368, 398,
478–79, ❖❖VIII
Udall, John 303, 479
Udall, Nicholas 112, 254,
479, 490
Ugo da Carpi 103, 479, 506
Ulrich, of Manderscheid,
Count 129
Ulrich of Württemberg,
Duke 248
Urban VI (pope) 38, 95, 234
Urfé, Honoré d’ 364, 480
Urquhart, Thomas 204
Ursinus, Zacharias 234
Ussher, Bishop James 21
Valdés, Alfonso de 273, 441,
Valdés, Juan de 123, 203,
273, 335, 441, 482
Valerianus, Pierius 483
Valerio, Luca 208
Valla, Federico della 468
Valla, Giorgio 126, 163
Valla, Lorenzo 11, 67, 105,
128, 166, 177, 242, 248,
272, 277, 284, 335, 342,
364, 411, 469, 483
Vallet, Pierre 204
Valturio, Roberto 297,
483–84, 499
Vanbrugh, Sir John 46, 111
van Dalem, Cornelius 450
van Dyck, Anthony 46, 419
Varchi, Benedetto 6, 25, 91,
425, 484
Varro, Marcus Terentius 246,
Varthema, Ludovico 484
Vasari, Giorgio 2, 14, 17–18,
21, 50, 56, 66, 82, 105–06,

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