Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

Chapter 4 • Unique Lace Stitch Patterns 97

Raya Clover

This classic clover lattice pattern makes a unique and eye-catching
fabric, so use it when you need a bit of fabulous in your project.

Lower Petal: [Ch 3, 2 dc] in ring indicated, sl st to next ch-7 sp
on prev row, [ch 3, sl st, ch 3, 2 dc] in same ring.

Upper Petal: [Ch 3, sl st, ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, sl st, ch 3, 2 dc] in
ch-sp indicated.

Stitch pattern is a multiple of the entire clover.

Row 1 (RS): Ch 7, sl st in 4th ch from hk (forming ring), [ch 3, 2
dc, ch 3, sl st] in ring, [ch 3, 2 dc] in same ring, ch 11, sl st to
4th ch from hk, [ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, sl st, ch 3, 2 dc] in ring; rep
to 1 less clover than desired width, ch 11, sl st to 4th ch
from hk, [(ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, sl st) 3 times] ch 3, 2 dc] in last ring,
do not turn.

Row 2: Sk 2 ch, sl st in next ch, ch 7, sl st in
next dc, upper petal in next ring; rep from
to last ring, [ch 3, sl st, ch 3, 2 dc] in last ring, sk
2 ch, sl st to next ch.

Row 3: Ch 10, sl st to 4th ch from hk, lower petal
in ring, ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp (petal), sl st to next
ch-3 sp; rep from
across, do not turn.

Row 4: Ch 10, turn, sl st to next dc, upper petal
in next ring, sk 2 ch, sl st to next ch, ch 7; rep
across to last ring, sl st to next dc, upper
petal in last ring, sk 2 ch, sl st to next ch, do not

Row 5: Ch 10, sl st to 4th ch from hk, ch 3, 2 dc
in ring, ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, sl st in next ch-3 sp,
ch 10, sl st to 4th ch from hk, lower petal in ring,
ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, sl st to next ch-3 sp; rep
across to last ring, ch 10, sl st to 4th ch
from hk, [lower petal, upper petal] in last ring, do
not turn.

Rep rows 2–5 to desired length.










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