Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

160 Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia


The dropped-stitch look makes a great zigzag fabric that can work
great for kids’ or adults’ projects. The stitch pattern does tend to
lean, so blocking is necessary.

Ch an odd number of sts.

Row 1 (RS) Fwd: Pull up lp in 2nd ch from hk and ea ch across. Rtn:
Yo, pull through 2 lps on hk, *ch 1, yo, pull through 3 lps on hk
(dec made); rep from * to last st (last 2 lps on hk), ch 1 with new
color, yo and pull through last 2 lps on hk.

Row 2 Fwd: Ch 1 (counts as 1st st), *insert hk around next ch-sp
and pull up a lp, ch 2, Tss in next st; rep from * across. Rtn: Yo, pull
through 2 lps on hk, ch 1, *yo, pull through 3 lps on hk (dec made),
ch 1; rep from * to last st (last 2 lps on hk), change color, yo and
pull through last 2 lps on hk.

Rep row 2 to desired length.

Last row: *Insert hk around next ch-sp, yo and pull up a lp and
through lp on hk, Tss in next st and pull through lp on hk; rep from
* across, fasten off.^1





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