Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

(Bozica Vekic) #1

208 Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia

Daisy Leaf Motif

This leafy motif can make a great base for a sculptural flower, or
when combining motifs together, makes a great tablecloth

Ch 7, sl st to 1st ch to form a ring.

Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 2, 2 dc-cl in ring, ch 3, *3 dc-cl in ring, ch 5, 3 dc-cl
in ring, ch 3; rep from * twice, 3 dc-cl in ring, ch 2, dc in top of 2
dc-cl, do not turn—seven 3 dc-cl.

Rnd 2: Ch 3, 2 tr-cl around post of prev rnd’s dc, ch 4, 3 dc-cl
around post of dc, ch 3, *sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, [3 dc-cl, ch 4, 3
tr-cl, ch 4, 3 dc-cl] in next ch-5 sp, ch 3; rep from * around, sc in
last ch-3 sp, ch 3, 3 dc-cl in ch-2 sp, ch 4, sl st to top of 2 tr-cl, do
not turn—eight 3 dc-cl.

Rnd 3: Ch 3 (counts as dc), *[dc, 3 hdc] in next ch-4 sp, 2 sc in
next ch-3 sp, sl st to sc, 2 sc in next ch-3 sp, [3 hdc, dc] in next
ch-4 sp, dc in 3 tr-cl; rep from * around, sl st to top of t-ch, do not
turn—12 dc.

Rnd 4: [Sc, ch 3, sc, ch 5, sc, ch 3, sc] in top of t-ch, *ch 2, sc in
next dc, [ch 2, sc in next hdc] 3 times, ch 2, sl st in next 2 sc, sk sl
st, sl st in next 2 sc, [ch 2, sc in next hdc] 3 times, ch 2, sc in next
dc, ch 2, [sc, ch 3, sc, ch 5, sc, ch 3, sc] in next dc; rep from *
around, sl st to 1st sc, fasten off.




Windroos Motif.

By slightly changing where you crochet
the double crochet stitches on round 3,
you can create a textured flower.

Ch 6, sl st to 1st ch to form a ring.

Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 1, 12 sc in ring, sl st to
1st sc, do not turn.

Rnd 2: Ch 1, *sc in next sc, ch 3, sk
next sc; rep from * around, sl st to 1st
sc, do not turn—6 sc.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, [sc in next sc, ch 2, 3 dc in next sc on rnd 1 behind ch-3 sp
(push ch forward and work behind ch), ch 2] 5 times, sc in next sc, ch 2, 3
dc in next sc on rnd 1 behind ch-3 sp, hdc in 1st sc, do not turn—18 dc.

Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc around hdc post, *ch 3, sc in next ch-2 sp; rep from *
around, ch 3, sl st to 1st sc, fasten off—12 ch-3 sps.



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